Ecology and your Environment – choose wisely for a longer life!

In today’s blog we will be looking at two areas in life that can effect our well being. 

The environment: Southern California's weather is very conducive to a health outdoor lifestyle
The environment: Southern California’s weather is very conducive to a health outdoor lifestyle

At in ibiza, we encourage guests to do an ecology check and an environmental check, before they leave us after spending seven days at our luxury villa in the hills overlooking the Mediterranean.

Here I will explain they both mean and how they effect us all – if we choose to let them…..

Ecology check: In our world, we have to understand that we are surrounded by various barriers to our health goals. These barriers can be self-created or come from friends, work colleagues and even family. So it is vital to check your own ecology to consider how things outside your life can affect you.

Here are a few things to consider: who do you spend time with? Are these people

influencing your daily choices alcohol or food choices?  Do the opinons of others, be they friends, family or workmates, matter to you. Who is influencing you in your life – are friends and family doing this in a positive way?  Who is supporting you in your health goals every day?

Do you have a personal trainer supporting you? Do you have a life coach supporting you? What about a workout buddy? And what books are you reading to improve your daily habits and behaviors?

Small details can add up to make a big difference. You can be lifted up or dragged down. So consider your ecology and make changes if you need to.

Enviromental check: Where we live and the location in the world has a massive impact on our lives – take someone living in London compared to someone living in L.A. – the options in L.A. are very different! The weather is very good here for an all-year-round outdoor lifestyle. Not only can you almost always go hiking, running, biking, surfing, skiing or whatever you choose, but you also have a huge choice of healthy places to eat and a culture based on the body beautiful!

Living in London – think pubs, restaurants and cloudy weather – can make it hard to for an unmotivated person to reach their goals, due to their surroundings or the cold sometimes experienced there.

Its critical to think about your future lifestyle as much as possible and the enviroment you are in, when settling into an area and going for a job.

So next time you consider a move, consider this: what will your environment lead to – healthy choices or comfort food choices?  Are there fresh fruit and veg shops nearby? Will your lifestyle environment by driven by socializing with friends at pubs or local restaurants in the area?

Will your lifestyle be based around food and alcohol? What’s the weather like in your environment? How far is the nearest park or gym for exercise? How far are your supporting friends or family living from you?

On saying all the above, most cities now have plenty of gyms, healthy choices of food and parks to exercise in – therefore we all need to look at the pros and cons of our future environment for a healthy lifestyle and ensure decisions are driven from an environmental factor, whilst ensuring our ecology is good too.


Rick Parcell. Master Coach