CJZ and Kirk stand up for Cameron

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Catherine Zeta Jones and father-in-law Kirk Douglas have written letters to Manhattan’s Federal Court to ask it to go easy on (Michael’s son) Cameron Douglas when it comes to sentencing him next week.

Cameron is facing up to ten years in prison for dealing methamphetamine and has struggled with drug addiction for his entire adult life. He’s currently in prison awaiting sentencing and has been clean for 8 months.

In Catherine’s letter she wrote: “My stepson is a caring, considerate, worthy human being, but never the less, the disease, that for years he has tried to combat, did take over again. What is wrong, is wrong, but may all these positive attributes prevail, so that a facility that he is positioned in, will help rehabilitate him.”

93-year-old Kirk wrote that he made the trip from LA to New York to visit his grandson and has been taking responsibility for his actions.

He said: “He [Cameron] didn’t express any self-pity, nor did he ask for any. The only sorrow he expressed was for the trouble he had caused others. I’m convinced Cameron could be a fine actor… I hope I can see that happen before I die. I love Cameron.”

No letter from father Michael is included in the court record but he recently talked about his son’s drug addiction, calling it a ‘worst case scenario’ as well as alluding to the fact that he wasn’t there as much as he could have been in his sons’ life.

It’s a really sad situation. I hope Cameron gets the help he needs and manages to stay sober.

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