Get the PH right: what alkaline and acid mean for your health

ONE aspect of optimum body health which is often overlooked is the PH balance and the resultant acid/alkaline balance.

For the uninitiated, the regulation of acid-alkaline balance is one of the most important factors in homeostasis, or dynamic equilibrium in the body. Recent studies show that when the body’s pH is too acidic, it’s difficult for enzymes to function properly, which can lead to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other inflammatory diseases.

Spinach, broccoli and asparagus make excellent 'alkaline' choices
Spinach, broccoli and asparagus make excellent ‘alkaline’ choices

The pH scale runs from 0 (pure acid) to 14 (most alkaline), with 7 being neutral. The human body functions optimally at a pH of around 7.4, which is just on the alkaline side of neutral.

As a general rule of thumb, foods higher on the PH scale are better. And (as usual) the culprit here is sugar, which is not only highly addictive but which can wreck your PH balance and with it your body chemistry.

Being addicted to sugar and flour is not an emotional eating disorder – It’s a biological disorder, driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel sugar and refined carb cravings—leading to uncontrolled overeating.  This is not a limited phenomenon. It’s the reason nearly 70 percent of adult Americans and 40 percent of kids are overweight.

In one study, Harvard scientists found that a high-sugar milkshake not only spiked blood sugar and insulin and led to sugar cravings, but it caused huge changes in the brain.

Sugar lights up the addiction center in the brain like the sky on the Fourth of July! Think “cocaine” cookies, “morphine muffins”, or “smack” energy drinks.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) tends to be highly acidic, containing lots of processed foods, sugars, meats, dairy, grains, fast foods, coffee, and sometimes alcohol.

A typical anti-inflammatory nutrition plan (like the so-called 7.4 Alkaline diet), on the other hand, contains lots of fruits, greens and veggies, which are more alkaline or based in nature – therefore reducing risks of disease, low energy and cancers.

While the human body needs to remain on the slightly alkaline side of neutral, it’s important to remember it’s all a balancing act. If you strive for a low acidic diet for your health and eat only alkaline foods, your body can actually become too alkaline, or in a state of alkalosis. This can lead to a host of other symptoms ranging from light-headedness and confusion.

Many foods that you might think would be acidic, like lemons and limes, are actually alkaline once metabolized. So it’s important to take into account which foods are acidic versus alkaline after they are metabolized, as that’s what matters to the body.

Sugar and artificial sweeteners are highly acidic foods, which is one of the reasons the consumption of sweets has recently been linked to so many health ailments.

Here is a range of foods from the highly acidic (pH2) to the highly alkaline (ph10). You will note that foods with a PH rating of 1-5 are mostly processed, while healthy foods tend to be closer to PH10.

Highly Acidic (PH2-3): Lemon juice, vinegar, sodas, energy drinks, carbonated water, sweets, cakes etc. Medium Acidity: (PH4-5): Alcohol, coffee, black tea, cheese, milk, yogurt, distilled water, chocolate, flours, roasted nuts, beef, pork, wheat, pastas, pastries, breads and crackers.

Low acidity (PH6): Fresh fish, beans, coconut, brown rice, coconut milk, wild salmon, wild oats, cooked spinach. Neutral (PH7): Clean water  (PH 7) Low Alkalinity (PH8): Apples, almonds, tomatoes, mushrooms, olives, pineapples, strawberries, bananas, cherries. Medium Alkalinity (PH9): Avocados, lettuce, celery, peas, sweet potatoes, blueberries, pears, grapes, kiwis, beets, melons, mangos, papayas. Highly Alkaline (PH10): Spinach, broccoli, artichoke, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflowers, cucumber, carrots, seaweed, asparagus, kale, most greens, onions.


Testing Your pH Levels

One indicator of the body becoming too acidic is an increased respiratory rate. In fact, if your body is too acidic, you won’t be able to hold your breath for more than about 20 seconds.

The most common PH test is a urine test. While you can test your own urine using PH litmus test paper, it’s more accurate and recommended to have your doctor do a urine test for you.

The takeway? Think natural, eat natural and keep your body in balance!


Rick Parcell. Master Coach