Brit-Chicks Emma Ridley and Catalina… A New Reality Duo?

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With so many Brits invading LA’s sunny shores these days I knew it wouldn’t be long before a few degrees of separation brought this pair – 80’s Wild Child Emma Ridley and I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here star Catalina Guirado – together.

Double Trouble: Cat and Em...

And from what I’m hearing the British babes are even planning on working together too. What a combination! Former top model and Maxim cover-girlCatalina, once loved and loathed (more loved however) by millions when she pouted her way through the jungle, has held secret talks with Ridley about her upcoming reality show, Spoiled Rotten, and is keen to take part. What as? I hear you say!

Well, Cat’s not just a beauty, she’s brainy too and recently started her own PR company in Hollywood, Britchicks PR, but after doing a dance class at Emma’s Goddess Fitness Dance, telly babe Cat thought it would a great idea to help Ridley promote it with the possibility of starring in the show as Emma’s publicist – great idea!

Spoiled Rotten is based on Emma’s quest to expand Goddess Fitness Dance across America even if it means going broke, and has now caught the eye of top agents and TV execs all over Tinseltown. My inside spies say it’s only a matter of time before a big-buck deal is struck!

If their past successes are anything to go by then I reckon Catalina and Emma could hitting our screens sooner than you think… I say go for it girls, your country salutes you!

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