Happy Bunnies: Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s Egg-cellent Easter Partaay!

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Funnyman Russell Brand and his bird, (er, or should say bunny in this particular case,) Katy Perry, threw open the gates to their uber-fashionable Hollywood hills abode last weekend for a fun filled Easter Sunday bash for all their tinseltown chums.

Perry, clearly getting into the spirit of things (the Americans do that so well you know…) sported a pair of bunny ears to mark the ‘egg-travagant’ occasion, whereas Russell… Er, well Russell just looked liked his typical scruffy self as if needing a good bath if you catch my drift (love him still, however!)

And not to disappoint the Brits in attendance, Brand’s Stateside ‘partaay’ ended in the early hours of Monday morning when Katy tweeted:“Goodnight bunnies and babies and pink and lavender and sea foam greens. Goodnight little chickens and glitter spilling out of plastic eggs.”

Nice to know they’re still going strong after so many split stories doing the rounds, and if what I’m hearing is true, the newly engaged couple are currently in the throes of planning their wedding rumored to be taking place at the end of the summer. Egg-cellent news!

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