2017 is here! In this week’s blog we are going to go against tradition and finally put an end to all New Years Resolutions…
The fact is that resolutions are attempted every year and by February, most people have given up and are back to their old habits. So here’s The Body Camp solution – and it’s so easy!
All you have to do is pick out some time in the day and give yourself ten minutes.
Stick to this for 30 days in January! We call it simply the 10BCDC (10 Day Body Camp Daily Commitment).
10 BCDC works because if you do anything daily for a period of time it becomes a habit and part of your daily lifestyle. We are all just a collection of daily habits that build up over time and we will be using the 10 BCDC to build habits into your daily life that take very little precious time from your busy schedule.
Just simply follow the 3 Step challenge:
Commit to 10 minutes everyday of something that effects you positively.
Choose from the following –
A meditation
A lovely walk
A slow steady jog
A weight training session
Sitting down, breathing deep and closing the eyes, saying positive affirmations to yourself such as “I have all I need within me now”.
Eat a meal mindfully
Help someone or listen to someone
Then post a picture of which one you are committing too at “thebodycampibiza” on instagram or #thebodycamp on Facebook
Watch how your 10 BCDC becomes a habit – just like a muscle which gets used everyday – guess what happens? The muscle gets stronger and stronger, and before you know it, 2017 is off to a brilliant start!
I am personally jogging slowly for 10 minutes, everyday at a slow pace in January…it is addictive and I am already enjoying the benefits!
Enjoy your 10 BCDC and start the New Year with a ten-minute healthy habit that will stick for life!
Ricky Parcell • Master Trainer • The BodyCamp.com