Butler’s Romantic Parisian Stroll With French TV Girl…

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So much for Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler being an item if this story is anything to go by…
Beefcake But’s was spotted strolling around Paris at the weekend hand in hand with local TV interviewer Laurie Cholewa.
According to sources Butler met Cholewa the prior weekend, returning to Paris midweek for a full-on date that apparently lasted well into the night. One inider told People that Gerry “completely cracked” for Laurie during their
sit-down interview promoting his latest film The Bounty Hunter in which he stars with Aniston.
Wow, Butler works fast! Now reports are hinting Gerry has struck up a relationship with Cholewa…
Just last week paps caught Gezza at an airport with his hand placed suggestively on Aniston’s backside giving off the impression there was a lot more going on than just promoting a movie.

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