Smells Like RPatz is leaving Ed Cullen behind…?

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RPatz is going to be playing Kurt Cobain in a new biopic about the troubled star’s life.
The muso actor is Courtney Love’s top choice to be the Nirvana singer, and she wants Scarlett Johanssen to play her (well if you get free reign you might as well be ambitious!)
Rob follows on the heels of fellow Twilight star Kristin Stewart into the rock biopic world. She did a fab job as Joan Jett in The Runaways, which came out this month and it definitely made me take her more seriously as an actress (let’s face it, Twilight is hardly ’stretching’ their range!)
Courtney is in touch with top director David Fincher (who directed Se7en and Fight Club)about getting the project off the ground.
A source told The Sun: “This is a big money deal for Courtney.
“She has agreed to the film on condition that she gets to decide the main aspects of the project including director, casting, screenplay and music.
“Robert has been calling and emailing her non-stop. She has been a bit wound up by his manners, but he is her number one choice to play Kurt.
“She is adamant Scarlett will play her. Scarlett is friendly with Frances Bean, her daughter with Kurt.”
And the specifics of getting into the character shouldn’t be too hard for Rob – he admitted in an interview that he had quite poor hygiene when it came to washing his hair, so he shouldn’t have any trouble imitating Kurt’s grungey do!
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