Thewlis and Friel on the Rocks?

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No, it’s not a new kind of cocktail… If it were I’d order a round of three!

But that is the question on everyone’s lips right now, what’s up with David Thewlis and Anna Friel’s marriage?

Friel was recently photographed with her Breakfast at Tiffany’s co-star Joseph Cross, showing what seemed to be vast amounts of PDA (er, that’s public displays of affection), on top of that – adding fuel to fire, Cross has even been staying with Anna at her and Thewlis’ Hollywood home.

On Tuesday Thewlis quashed all rumors by flying in to join them from Berlin, where he’s been filming political thriller Anonymous, telling the pack of hungry reporters wanting a scoop, [Joseph] ‘is a good friend of mine’ who is welcome to stay at his home anytime.’


Anna and Joseph’s close bond has sparked much speculation that all is not well in camp Friel-Thewlis, who have been a couple since 2001. However, Thewlis is totally at ease with their ‘close friendship,’ according to sources.

I won’t even tell you what mucky-ness is going around around in my head right now, I’ll give you a clue… It’s a number and it comes after two… Two’s company, THREE is a… Crowd! Get it?

Oh come on, it is Tinseltown after all; you can’t blame us for jumping the gossip-gun just ever so slightly (wink, wink).

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