An awful lot of snow at Sundance…

Proper preparation is key to getting the most from the Sundance Film Festival. Veteran festival-goer Franz Amussen shares his insights.


IF THERE WAS ONE over-arching theme of this year’s Sundance Festival it was the snow. I have been attending this event for over 15 years and never has it been as snowy as it was last month. Couple the snow with record attendance and record traffic and you have a recipe for gridlock!

For locals this is the time of year to escape to warmer climates while paying for their vacation with a big wad of cash from renting out their homes at the highest rates they will receive all year. Abandoning their delightful city to the onslaught of “people in black”, as the festival attendees are often referred by locals, can pay huge dividends. And those rare souls who actually attended the Sundance Film Festival with the intention of skiing could not have been happier this year as powder kept piling up day after day.

Park City Corporation, the organizers, and volunteers of the Festival should be proud of themselves as they kept traffic moving with the addition of multiple buses to shuttle festivalgoers from venue to venue in a very organized fashion. The volunteers guarded the crosswalks vigilantly, keeping the often-inebriated festivalgoers from stumbling into traffic. And answering the same questions over and over again…with a smile.

Main Street was turned into a downhill one-way street that it could be treacherous as the compressed snow turned to ice, making it sometimes impossible for vehicles to stop. In this situation they would just slide down the hill hopefully not bumping into anything until their momentum brought the vehicles to a halt. Fortunately this was a somewhat rare occasion as Park City Corporation must’ve placed tons and tons of salt and sand on roads during the festival.

While it is sometimes mild it’s best to plan for the worst. So here are my tips for your best practices if you plan to visit the Festival in 2018.


Footwear: Have warm, waterproof comfortable boots! This year snow was over the top of most boots and the slush at the intersections would soak any non-waterproof footwear.

Plan on walking! Sometimes it is just faster and easier to walk from venue to venue.

Don’t rent a car! There is very little parking in Park City during the Festival and what there is, is expensive.

If you must rent a car park outside the city in the festival parking lots and take the shuttle buses into the city.

Allow plenty of time: To stay comfortable give yourself plenty of time to get to the film venues. The waiting lines can be long and if you are early you may be inside a comfortable dry tent instead out in the elements.

Dress in layers! Outside it may be below freezing but the second you get to a film or party the layers will start coming off!

Stay hydrated: You will be in a high, cold climate and even though there is plenty of snow the air is very dry and it is easy to get dehydrated.

Pace yourself! There is so much to see and do you may quickly become exhausted, starting at 8am and not ending until 2am in the morning is a recipe to catch a virus!

Wash your hands. Almost every year after the festival I get sick, usually from exhaustion (See 8 above) you will be shaking lots of hands, be in tight, crowded venues and touching finger food at parties is a recipe for disaster!

Don’t forget to ski! If you are a skier make sure you take a day to enjoy the practically empty ski resorts.


Above all have fun!