No matter what we really, really want…Spice Girls reunion hits the buffers!



Just when you thought “girl power” was making its comeback… The Spice Girls reunion could be in doubt after all, as talks on how to get them all together at the same time has hit the mega buffers.


Ginger Spice Geri Horner admits the group – Posh, Scary, Sporty and Baby are struggling to agree on all the details for a return.

The band had been expected to get back together for a string of tour dates following a “successful” meeting at Geri’s house in London earlier this month.

But Geri said on Monday: “Twenty years on, people move in different directions and have different priorities.

“I adore them but our commonality is different now.

“We all have a common ground of wanting to please our fans, focusing on the future and sharing our knowledge with the next generation.

“We are still working it out. We are looking at how we are going to do it… so watch this space!”

Girl power fans were ecstatic following the news of their first comeback since the London Olympics in 2012.

But Geri’s words of warning come after Victoria Beckham also knocked down chances of them performing again.

Posh Spice said: “Everybody got very excited, but there is no tour, there is no recording.

“I think, for us, it’s about protecting the legacy, and asking how we continue the girl power message.

“How do we continue that and pass it on to future generations?”

Instead it is thought the 90s chart-toppers may now focus on business opportunities including a TV series and a film about their rise to fame.

Reports suggest each member of the band could be in line for a £10million payday as they look to capitalize on the band’s name and success.

A source told the British Weekly’s SBGLA column that, “It’s very likely that the girls’ll figure things out and the tour will still go ahead, these glitches often happen.”

And breathe…