Music? Huh! Celeb Spotting’s Way More Fun at Coachella…

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The A-List flocked to the Coachella Festival this weekend to watch performances by artists such as Beyoncé, Jay Z, The Gorillaz, The Machine and Muse.

Members of the Brit posse, Kelly Osbourne and fashion designer – Julia Clancey were spotted mingling in the crowds with stars such as Anne Hathaway, Kate Bosworth and Katy Perry, who was letting it all hang out in a revealing sexy black dress, surprisingly there was no sign of her fiancée Russell Brand, however…

On the main-stage show Coachella’s first urban music headliner, hip-hop ambassador Jay-Z performed effortlessly through his 90-minute set in which he was joined by Beyoncé who sang Mr Hudson’s song Forever Young while Jay Z rapped along, much to the crowd’s delight.

Zoey Deschanel

This year there seemed to be more stars in the audience than there were on stage, supermodel Agyness Deyn strutted around showing off her bizarre new shaved hairdo, as Kelly Osbourne sipped lemonade after lemonade to cool down in the sweltering heat.

Showing not a care in the world over her recent tabloid troubles, the scandal struck daughter of Sir Bob – Peaches Geldof – bopped around the festival like an excited twelve year-old with her film director boyfriend Eli Roth.

The three-day event began Friday, selling out ALL its 75,000 passes in advance. The festival’s popularity turned into a nightmare for music fans though, some were waiting up to three hours to simply get into the venue.

One of my favorites was actress Zooey Deschanel (pictured left) who performed with her band She & Him onstage; they played a cover version of Chuck Berry’s Roll Over Beethoven, sung by M Ward with Zooey on the piano.

Despite all the chaos due to the massive crowds, perhaps John Lydon said it best as he left the stage after performing with Public Image Limited. “For all of you who missed it, you missed a good f-ing evening. For those of you who didn’t – not bad, huh?”

I couldn’t have put it better myself Johnny boy…

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