A New Brand of Arthur???

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The word is that funnyman Russell Brand, is set to star as ‘trust fund’ drunk Arthur, with Dame Helen Mirren playing his longtime faithful nanny – Sir John Gielgud played the part in the original 80’s classic, with Dudley Moore in the title role.

Now, I’m not a big fan of Hollywood movie remakes; I can’t say I’ve ever really liked one of them… So after hearing about this one, I think you’ll agree, it sounds like very bad casting!

And it’s anyone’s guess who’ll be playing Liza Minnelli’s character, Linda Marolla? No, please don’t say Katy Perry!

Arthur may have been a messy drunk, but he still had class (and short hair)… Unless Brand chops off his wiry mane, takes a good ol’ scrub in the bath and goes for a complete image overhaul, I can’t ever see the public taking kindly to this idea.

Sorry Russ’, but some things are best left well alone… Arthur being one of them!

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