Emma channels Angelyne…

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By the looks of things Emma Ridley’s on a fully charged ‘comeback’…

As always, grabbing the limelight whenever she can, while filming scenes for her new reality TV show, Spoiled Rotten – Ridley, knew exactly what to give the photogs, as she was ‘papped’ pumping gas at a 76 station this week in Beverly Hills.

The former British wild child was doing what appeared to be her best Angelyne impression (with smaller boobs)…

And what’s with that hair Emma?!

Proving she’s still as whacky as ever, the petit dancer even had the cheek to stop the traffic, high kicking for cameras in the middle of the street.

Luckily, she avoided being issued a jaywalking ticket after sweet-talking the cops into believing she was a big star…

This is Hollywood after all… Aren’t there different rules for celebrities?

Well, Emma Ridley certainly thought so…

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