Hassan and Jones in Bar Brawl! – Titan: 1 Juggernaut: 0

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Last Saturday night the prestigious Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood resembled a British Eastend pub, than a 5 star hotel, when a bar brawl broke out between Clash of the Titans actor Tamer Hassan, and former football player Vinnie Jones.

Multiple sources claim, Tamer had been enjoying an evening with the producer and director of his new movie Blood Out, that Vinnie has a supporting role in, when allegedly a ‘worse-for-wear’ Jones approached Hassan’s table ranting and raving.

At that point witnesses say Vinnie, who starred in X-Men: The Last Stand, asked Hassan, “Are we ok?” then ‘the god of war’ – Hassan, offered peace to Jones via a handshake saying “Yes, Vinnie we’re fine, there’s no problem.”

An onlooker said, “Jones, then allegedly pushed Hassan’s hand away, as if refusing the peace offering.

I’m told Hassan, was clearly displaying a sense of embarrassment at this point and suggested to ‘Juggernaut’ Jones that they both discuss any problems away from their work colleagues.

One well placed source told me: “At around 10.30pm a fight broke out between the them. Then shortly after they left the table there was lots of pushing and shoving before “fists were flying.”

It’s unclear as to why, but my source indicated that Jones may have provoked the altercation by allegedly placing his hand on Hassan’s jaw.

A close friend of Hassan’s told me; there had been an ongoing feud between Hassan and Jones that erupted around last December.

The two boys are due to come face to face once more on set of Blood Out in Louisiana next week.

I look forward to hearing all the gossip and goings on when that happens… Oh to be doing the make-up on that set, eh?!

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