BABC OC Christmas Party set for December 14th

DJ RIchard Blade

The British American Business Council in Orange County has set the date for their annual Christmas Party. The event, one of THE highlights of the local British business community’s annual calendar, will be held on Friday, December 14th from 11.30-3.15pm at the Westin South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. The event features a traditional British Christmas lunch with all the trimmings, Christmas Crackers, Christmas pudding, champagne and wine plus bagpipes and a string orchestra.

There will also be plenty of great silent auction items on which to bid, including “An Adventure in Ireland”, “London in Style” and “Newport Beach Eye Candy”.

Entertainment will be provided by legendary former KROQ DJ Richard Blade, originally from Torquay who has been a longtime fixture on West Coast radio.

To book your ticket, visit the BABC OC’s website at