Are you eligible to vote in the upcoming elections on November 6th? Then make sure you have registered by the October 22nd deadline. Visit to register, confirm or make any changes. My ever-changing work schedule means that I’m not always certain I will be able to physically vote so I’ve opted to Vote-by-Mail, which means I can send it in if I am away but I can also drop it off at any polling station on the day if I am in town. Another reason I like this method is that it gives me a proper chance to research what or who I am voting for. Most of what we vote on is very standard, but occasionally we get asked to consider what I deem quite unusual matters. This year Californians have been asked to decide whether we should have year round Daylight Savings Time. Voting yes on Proposition 7 would repeal the DST act that was implemented in 1949, and therefore no more changing the clocks. A “no” vote would keep things the same. And even then we will still need to get Congress to approve this. Federal law allows states to opt out of daylight saving time, but not to keep it all the time.
I don’t think I would mind the darker mornings plus more of us would get to see the sunrise, which is a lovely to start to anyone’s day. However, the clocks changing is one of the only markers Californians have to acknowledge the seasonal change. At the moment I’m not sure how I will vote, so would love to hear your thoughts on this. This year it is business as usual so clocks will ‘fall back’ on November 4th, bear in mind that it happens in the UK on October 28th.
Even if you are not able to vote you might be interested to see what is on the ballot this year. I quite like as they also list all the arguments from ‘for’ and ‘against’ and even tell you how much money has been spent on campaigning either from either side. Interestingly, Prop 7 apparently has had no campaign contributions.
On a lighter note I was amused to read that Britain appears to have gone Brussel Sprouts mad – half of me wonders if it is Brexit related and directed at Brussels? Walkers have introduced Brussel Sprouts crisps and Sainsbury’s are selling Brussel Sprouts tea! Has anyone been brave enough to try these? I love Brussel Sprouts but these sound horrendous…
We always enjoy hearing from you, so if you have any questions or comments you can drop us a line at