Every New Year many of us fail miserably to change an old habit or to even stop doing something which is injurious to our long term health. Even though we know it’s bad for us, or if the doctor said cut down, we may still find ourselves in trouble!
Here at the Body Camp in Ibiza our staff talk to hundreds of guests, who before attending our retreat complain about how they never seem to be able to make their resolutions stick after the New Year. Many of us seem to share the same problem! Our guests find in normal life that they begin a new healthy habit but then motivation levels decrease! But at our camp they develop a new-found inner strength, realizing it is possible to begin a healthy habit and be able to keep it going for an extended period of time.
After leaving the Bodycamp in Majorca and Ibiza we coach our guests on daily habits that will soon become a lifestyle and a normal routine.
So are your ready for the simple one word answer? Is it will-power or something deeper? There is only one thing we all need to commit to after New Years Eve for anything to change in our lives – be bloody consistent! (that’s three words!)
“The Consistency rule” is easy to follow and over extended periods of time works with everything.
Here are 5 examples:
1. One can of soft drink or pop enjoyed on a daily basis for six months – end result on your waist/teeth is very damaging.
2.A salad or green smoothie everyday for lunch for six months – end result on your body fat levels would be very favorable.
3. Reading a self-improvement book for 10 minutes every day for six months – end result your emotional intelligence will be increased AND your self confidence.
4. Exercise daily for ten minutes for six months – end result on your resting heart rate and blood pressure would be a decrease in those levels and various other cardiovascular gains.
5. Mediate for 10 minues a day for six months – end result would be reduced stress levels and anxiety and improved cognitive function.
By adopting The Consistency Rule on New Years Day, scheduling it into your diary and making time for you on a daily basis, you will find that by performing the same positive action each day at the same time, you will eventually create a habit! This habit will become a neurological pathway wired into your brain for life. This will create automatic thinking within the unconscious mind and enable the conscious mind to be more selective about future habits and behaviors.
Rick Parcell, Master Strategic Intervention Coach