Save the Sob Story, Naomi!

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So, Naomi Campbell cries a few tears on telly and thinks it’s all OK, everyone will just simply forgive her?

Well, forgiven or not, the former supermodel HAS finally admitted to having a super-temper on The Oprah Winfrey Show, that aired earlier this week. Horrah bitches!

On the show, a solemn faced Campbell said: “It comes from a deeper place, from another type of emotional disorder.”

She also revealed the intense guilt she experiences as a result of her violent outbursts when she said: “I feel remorseful, ashamed.”

As tears ran down her cheeks, Campbell added: “I’m striving to be a better person.”

Aww, our hearts bleed for you…

The phone-bashing diva’s mother and Russian mogul boyfriend, Vladimir Doronin, were in the audience during the show.

While it’s not exactly shocking to hear Naomi has an “emotional disorder,” at least she admitted it.

In light of the fact that the girl has pleaded guilty to multiple charges of assault and violence and that she’s been banned from British Airways, I guess she couldn’t get away with denial at this point.

I’m all for giving someone a second chance, but Naomi, didn’t you get the memo sweetie? We’re not buying into those tears, uh, uh, not this time… Not ever!

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