Cheryl’s the most beautiful woman in the world, says Will.I.Am

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Not only has Ashley Cole had to deal with being Britain’s most hated man, but now Will.I.Am is getting on the bandwagon.

The Black Eyed Pea has damned him as ’stupid’ for ever cheating on our Chezza.

I agree!

Will.I.Am gave this gushing statement about her: “I just still can’t believe Cheryl was ever cheated on. I mean, what has to be going through your head to cheat on Cheryl?

“She’s the most beautiful woman in the world. Once you have her, a man can’t do any better. It’s just crazy.

“She ain’t even the sort of girl that’s out there flaunting it or anything like that, she’s a real good girl. When you get a girl like that, you do everything you can to keep her, you don’t go out fooling around.

“To get a girl that knows how to conduct herself is a rare thing and you’ve got to be stupid to jeopardise that.

“After all she’s been through, she needs rescuing. It’s crazy the way she was treated and she knows I’m here whenever she needs me.

“If she’s in New York, I’ll get on a flight to see her, if she’s in Los Angeles, I’ll get on a flight to see her – I’ll even come to London. If she needs me she knows I’m there, no excuses.”

Awwww. They’ve already been spending lots of time together during the Black Eyed Peas tour (which Cheryl is supporting), so can I smell a romance in the offing?

Well it would serve Ashley right for Cheryl to trade up to the uber-talented and clearly way more respectful Will.I.Am.

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