Meet a Member: Zoe Nauman

Meet Zoe Nauman from Woolwich, London, who moved to LA three and a half years ago to continue her career as a writer and media content strategist. After working in the showbiz office of, she left their Venice office to write as freelance journalist for publications all over the world. Now she helps businesses around the globe to get more clients, higher visibility and make more money with their social media and media content strategies online, in print and on TV and radio.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

I left the UK in 2008 and moved to Australia for seven and a half years before coming to America. My husband was offered a position in LA, and we had always wanted to live in the States. I was able to get a transfer from the Australian offices of the Mailonline where I was showbiz editing, so it was ready, set go! Plus, we had got so used to sunshine living in Sydney, British winters were strictly off the agenda!

What do you miss most from home?

Definitely NOT the weather! My friends and family without a doubt. Of course I miss the hustle and bustle of London – I lived and worked in the capital for 10 years. But I remember my very last train ride home from work on December 5th 2008  – I was at Reveal magazine at the time. My nose was literally in someone’s armpit and I said to myself ‘I’m not doing this again for a million dollars.’ I always force myself to go on the tube at rush hour when I’m back for a visit, in case I get ‘tourist syndrome’ and think that’s what it’s like to live in London. It’s always rosy when you are visiting!

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since? 

Well coming from Sydney, I remember coming into land on the plane and thinking it was like someone had washed all the colours out! The traffic – let’s not get onto the topic of the 405 or I’ll be here forever. I was actually praying the first time I went on it, saying out loud “don’t crash don’t crash” and then something along the lines of “oh s**t” when I got onto the freeway from the entrance! Also how spread out everything was. Has any of that changed? Well I can now change lanes with the best of ‘em, and have a much better idea of how to get around.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus London and Sydney?

Well the difference from London is the lack of public transport system. And I do miss pubs. There is nothing like a good pub. Regarding what I miss from Sydney, I think again it is easier to get around and it truly is a very beautiful place to live. I’m lucky enough to live by the beach here, and I lived in Bondi Down Under, so that part is the same. I get to experience a slightly more laid back version of LA lifestyle. I don’t think I could handle living up in Hollywood! Oh and the majority of people looking bloody amazing. Hence the fact I now work out everyday at F45 training, and dropped four dress sizes when I got here to keep up with the natives!

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I do like seeking out Australian cafes, because I am afraid to say I became a massive coffee snob in Sydney. It’s a universal thing over there. So I like Bluestone Lane on Rose Ave, Venice – they also do amazing avocado toast, another Aussie staple. Deus is also great on the junction of Lincoln and Venice. It’s an Aussie motorcycle/ surf clothing brand with a great coffee shop which sells, yes you guessed it, Aussie coffee.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Having moved countries twice now, never under estimate how hard, and how expensive it will be.  

Also if you have a pet – it ain’t cheap. We flew our dog Poco over here from Oz – his ticket was more than both of ours together!

LA is expensive. Food shopping is expensive! This is an on going topic of conversation between my English gal pals, as well as my Aussie ones.

Be prepared, research and make connections before you come over. Brits are so friendly to other Brits abroad – I had this experience in Oz as well. And it helps to establish a friendship group for when you arrive. 

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Goodness that is a difficult one. Well I launched my business last year – Media Content Guru, and I don’t mind saying it was tough on a lot of levels. So when I was feeling a bit sorry for myself, this Martin Luther King Jr quote was a good one to inspire me: “if you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” La La Land is hard to break! Whatever game you’re in. Now I look back and I am amazed, and pretty darn proud of how far I have come with my business. Thanks Mr King you’re awesome!

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment? and instagram theorginalzoenauman