Meet a Member: Vassili Karathanasis

Meet Vassili Karathanasis from Greece who moved to LA three months ago to pursue his passion as an actor/tv host.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

I didn’t choose LA. It that chose me. The first time I came here was in 2017 to visit friends and something strange happened my heart. It started to beat differently, like it was beating in love, so I understood I fell in love and that was where I had to be. At that time I was working in Madrid, Spain, as a TV host for “mas gente RTVE” in a national level. But as I speak 10 different languages I wanted to launch my career to the next level, and LA is THE place to be on an international level.

What do you miss from your home?

I miss my family, my friends and…feta cheese.

My parents have  always been my inspiration. They taught me to trust in myself wherever I go and whatever I do. Thanks to them I always respect the traditions of the country I live in and anyone’s homes I am invited to. As a Greek it can be frustrating to eat feta cheese that is not from Greece. Trust me the real one from Greece is so delicious that I do pasta with melting feta cheese inside, it’s so simple but so tasty.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since ?

When I came here I thought it would  always be hot and sunny. But since I moved this winter it’s so cold and raining a lot. Thank God I have a pullover to keep me warm. Anyway I think it’s good for the nature to have some rain, California needs it.

What do you find the biggest difference in living here versus Madrid.

Definitely the distances are huge and we don’t have time here. We need at least 4 or 5 hours more in a day. When I was living in Madrid, I could work, go out, visit friends and do a lot of different things in one day. Here I have to select what I will do because I don’t have enough time. But on the other hand the city gives you so much opportunities.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

Mine is a French restaurant located in a beautiful hotel “Mardi” in West-Hollywood. It’s so discreet that you don’t expect to have this beautiful and peaceful terrace inside of a luminous patio where you can eat delicious  healthy food. As I’m vegetarian they have great options as well. After lunch you can go and have a tea or coffee on the comfortable sofas.  I really recommend it to go on date during the day.

At the week-end they have a DJ and you can enjoy a delicious french wine, or other drinks, listen to good music with your friends. It’s always a good place to go and enjoy yourself.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

The best thing to do when you arrive is to submit to a fitness center. The city is so big that you can sometimes feel lost. But if you start your day with a routine like going to the gym your brain will creates endorphins and you will feel more relaxed and recharged for the day. Before coming here write your goals and read them. When you feel down write the positive things you have in your life and be grateful, like health, family, friends etc.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Keep challenging yourself. I worked in different countries and different projects, learned a lot of languages (like Italian) for the movie “Amnesia” from Gabriele Salvatores, one of my favorite directors. In Japan I had to learn Japanese for “20th Century Boys : Beginning of the End” and “Detroito Metaru Shiti”. Even if I speak 10 languages now, I always keep challenging myself, that’s what makes me feel alive.