Meet a Member: Laila Dupuy

Meet Laila Dupuy from London to LA 1 year ago to launch her start up, Kitchin Table, in USA.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

We moved to LA as we had a massive interest for our app Kitchin Table, which is the Airbnb for coworking women, enabling women to host their ideal coworking/collaborative space at home. It helps women turn their home into a business and meet local women with similar interest and skills and grow their local community, please check us out on

     I was a freelance solicitor in London and wanted to go back to work after having kids but the workforce was not welcoming so I started freelancing. That was lonely and I missed the collaborative and creative input and that sense of community that comes from working in an office, but places like We Work were too expensive and I got bored at my local Pret A Manger (a popular sandwich/salad and coffee chain in the UK). So I started hosting women at home and it was brilliant, and it had a viral effect across London and the UK. We were featured in the Guardian, Telegraph, Financial Times and various start-up publications, We even got invited to join a cross Parliamentary group for women in Enterprise. Last spring we won one of the most promising star ups in South by South West (SXSW) and the reaction in the USA was amazing, we decided to move to LA where the interest generated was huge.

What do you miss most from home? 

However, having said all that about Pret, now I really miss Pret! In particular the ease of it, their coconut flat white, contactless payment and the parks! The trees, the massive oak trees! I also have a dog who I know really misses being let off the lead! I also really miss civilized drivers who actually let you through when you signal and don’t honk their horn and raise their hands in utter despair! Still listen to LBC though… Brexit obsessed.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

My first impression is that people are a little rude, but then as I got to know them I realised that it is just their way, they are different and that abruptness is not rudeness but an intrinsic characteristic of LA as is a green juice, leggings and yoga mats! Easy to embrace the healthy lifestyle here.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus London?

I find the biggest difference is that people are not so vested in their local community. In the UK we know our grocer, butcher, corner shop, but because people live such an insular life here, where their car is their kingdom, their neighbours are not so important. As such we have had to adapt the message for Kitchin Table. In the UK it’s appeal was local women getting together to cowork in a host’s home and get to know each other, but here in LA its more events-based with speakers.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

My hidden gem is anywhere that does good English Breakfast tea, so that is Alfred’s just off of Melrose and a few other chains. Plus there is a tiny little corner shop called Rose Cafe on Overland and Pico that is small independent grocery shop run by a lovely gentleman.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

My suggestion would be not to look for a place to live according to its walkability, because you may think you will walk but you won’t.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

When you move do not try and meet clones of your friends at home. Be receptive to the nuances of a new society and city and embrace the differences of people.

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment?  

Check out the app KitchinTable, which is available on iOS and Android. Joining Kitchin Table is free and requires no monthly commitment, it also allows you turn your home into a revenue source.

Through attending and hosting events on Kitchin Table I have met so many amazing women in Los Angles and have connected with women from all over the city that I would have never met otherwise, our tag line is “who will you meet next?” We are currently offering hosts a $50 dollar amazon voucher to host their first event in LA or the UK email me at if you wish to learn more.