Meet A Member: Robert Beddall

Meet Robert Beddall from Birmingham who moved to LA 12 years ago to pursue acting! 

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

The sunshine was a big factor but the real reason was that I won a scholarship to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I could pick the NYC campus or the LA campus that’s when I decided to let a little sunshine in. It was a great move! I graduated from AADA with the esteemed Charles Jehlinger Award for excellence in acting. I haven’t looked back since.  I was a huge movie buff as child and loved the thought of living in Hollywood. Don’t ever let any one tell you dreams are just dreams!  

What  do you miss most from home?

Most of all I miss my family and close friends but it’s a great place for them to come and visit. I miss real fish and chips at a cheap price and a good kebab. I do miss the live football too. I’ve seen a few games out here but it’s not the same passion or atmosphere like you get at home. Most of the people who watch the games out here are more concerned with getting a hot dog than watching the match.  

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since? 

At first it felt very lonely and a bit soulless but you have to search for the soul of LA and it does have one it’s just in different pockets of the city. You won’t find it straight away, you have to get out and explore the city. You can find so many great groups of artistic people out here and Brits in LA is amazing for that! I do find that LA has changed a bit over the years I believe it’s becoming more and more gentrified new apartment buildings are always going up. 

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Birmingham?

The beach! You certainly can’t find any beaches in Birmingham. Everything is so spread out also not like at home where everything is in a close proximity. 

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

The Iliad Bookshop in NOHO. I love old bookshops and this is by far the best bookshop I have ever been too. You can find old copies of Shakespeares complete works that you never even thought existed. If you haven’t been there, go now! 

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Just do it! However make sure you have enough cash saved for a reliable car. I was a student here without one and this was before Uber and Lyft, so it was quite time consuming getting around, having said that I read a lot of books. Join Brits in LA on Facebook, you will get to meet a lot of people who can offer great advice when first moving here. If you are in the industry try and apply for the BAFTA LA Newcomers Program. 

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

My first major acting teacher once told me that “I was always going to have to knock on the doors a little more harder and longer than most.” He was telling me to persist to keep your head up, work hard and keep going and if need be don’t be afraid to kick down that door!  

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment?   

I’m currently working on a TV show called Patriots which is set in Northern Ireland during the Eighties and Nineties. It’s a very exciting project and we are currently in talks with several production companies to take it to the next level.  I just completed filming on the TV show Sneaker-heads and you can catch me now on Amazon Prime Video in the acclaimed film Noise. My website is

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