Meet A Member: Lauren Humphreys

Meet Lauren Humphreys from Bedfordshire, who moved to LA eight years ago to pursue ‘whatever adventure life had in store’.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

I’ve always had a calling to LA and had been fortunate enough to visit many times. One year whilst visiting, (sounds very cliché) I walked into a bar and met my husband (now ex-husband). I’m also a huge sun worshiper and love being active outdoors so staying in LA was an easy choice.

What  do you miss most from home?

The English sense of humor, to me is the best in the world. So at times I can miss the jokes – but on the whole I try to remain present and grateful to be here in LA and not focus on what I’m missing.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since? 

I come from a very small village in Bedfordshire, where everyone knows everyone. Coming to a huge metropolis like LA was eye-opening on many different levels. It’s louder, faster, more diverse, with more opportunities- it was a huge adjustment. Just because we speak the same language doesn’t mean we have the same cultures – it took me about two years to see clearly and adapt to a new way of life. 

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Bedfordshire?

The biggest difference I would say is the attitude – people here are more positive, more optimistic and I feel more open minded. As as shaman and spiritual healer this diversity is very appealing. It’s important to work with clients who are open to new experiences and the spiritual realm. Spirituality feels more accepted here which in turn makes me feel more accepted. 

What advice would you give to somebody planning the move to LA?

If you want to come to LA and be a fairy, someone will know someone who can help you, which I absolutely love. People here genuinely want you to follow your dreams, no matter what they are.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

The Red Rock hiking trail up in Topanga canyon is absolutely breathtaking. It’s peaceful and untouched.

At the back of Runyon Canyon is a secret labyrinth. I highly recommend searching it out and walking round it. 

   I’m a passionate foodie and vegan and always on the search for new locations. Pura Vita on Santa Monica Blvd, does incredible Italian plant-based food.  If you’re wanting a cheat day but still stick with the plant-based diet then check out Doomie’s in Hollywood to get your hit of vegan fast food! 

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Be open to anything and everything. Get clear on what you want to achieve. And your dreams really can come true.  Develop confidence, English people tend to be a little more reserved and stoic, which are good qualities but here in LA it won’t necessarily serve you.

   People come to LA to become stars. And you’ll only ever shine brightly when you’re being yourself. You do not need to come here and put on an act. Someone will always help you – there is genuine feeling in LA that people want you to succeed.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Follow your heart. Never lie. Always do your best.

Lastly, how can we find out more about you ? Are you working on anything at the moment?  

I work as a donation-based spiritual healer – I believe healing should be universal and accessible to everyone. By working through donations, there isn’t a pressure on how much you think you have to afford. 

   I have spent the past 4 years traveling the world, living in places such as Thailand, Australia and Iceland. Studying spirituality, religions, and teaching yoga. On my inward journey to finding inner peace I removed all social media and noticed the difference it made in my life.  Not having it has made such an impact on my psyche I will not join social media again. It has taken years to cultivate the level of calm I have and I fear the likes of Instagram may disturb it. Working as an energy healer it’s important to keep my vibration as high as possible.  I do this by working out regularly, following a plant-based diet, fasting every week and understanding the power of solitude and detachment. This lifestyle enables me to give clear readings to my clients. I do deep rooted spiritual work, balance chakras, numerology, astrology. I teach vegan cooking and hold spiritual philosophy group talks too.

   If anyone would like to work me for donation-based healing, please either call or drop me an email.