Meet A Member: Bella Trost

Meet Bella Trost from Hungary who moved to LA 4 months ago to pursue her dreams as a fitness model and actress.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

Usually we fall in love when we expect the least. And something like that happened with me with this city. LA’s magical, stimulating energy absorbed me. I came for a holiday and a few days later I felt this is the place where I belong to. My holiday suddenly became a life-changing project and instead of sitting on the beach I spent every minute working on my plan to come back here.

   LA was built by people who believed in their dreams and they had the willpower to turn their dreams into reality. I do believe if you have the same spirit like the people who created the City of Dreams, the opportunity will come to you to be part of it. You just have to work really, really hard for it, and get going even if you’re not sure what the right direction is. Soon or later the right way will be there.

What do you miss most from home?

I left Hungary 15 years ago. I lived in London, in Ibiza, and I travelled all around the world – I was on my way pretty much all of my life. I learned to be far from home and to be away from my family. But sometimes I just start to miss my parents and their house which is like ashrine for me. I book my ticket to Budapest and even if the trip is months away, the feeling that I’m going home makes me calm and happy. That’s my time when I charge my batteries with love. 

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

At first time I didn’t like LA at all. I came with the National Team of Hungary to compete at the sports aerobics world championship in 2000.  All I remember that it was really hot, I was struggling with the training, with the food and with the distances we had to travel from the hotel to the event scenes. We saw some tourist attractions but all together I just wasn’t impressed. Probably my mind just wasn’t open to absorb new things that time. My second trip happened 17 years later. I just wanted to get some sun, then unexpectedly I fell in love with the city… and this is why I am here today.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus London?

The order of importance. In London work, study, training, everyday tasks are always taking everyone’s time. When I lived there it was so hard to get together with friends, spend time together or to go out and meet new people. In LA social life is prioritized. Here networking is everything. You just have to be out there all the time. Having an active social life is work but it is also a pleasure. I love it! It’s so much going on in LA that 24 hours doesn’t seem to be enough, there’s no way to find time for everything. I try to keep my days as productive as possible, but I also want to enjoy the happy LA buzz.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

When I feel like having a chill night I just go one of the small bars where they do live performances. LA is full of incredibly talented musicians. I am so impressed every single time when I go out for a midweek jazz night for example in Black Rabbit Rose or in The Standard Hollywood.  

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

Save up for the move! Setting up a new life in a new country always comes with expenses and starting new projects or businesses will come with even more. It takes time till all the effort and investments start to generate money. Just be prepared for the period in beginning when the money seems to be going out much easier than coming in. If you come with enough money to start, and your everyday living expenses are covered, it allows you to stay productive yet calm.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Ask the question every day: ‘Have you worked on you today?’ If the answer is not, wake up the next morning and do something about it. Of course, there are days when we do less than on the others, but in general, just don’t sit back and wait for things to happen. Because they won’t. You have to make things happen.