Meet A Member: Rob Blake

Meet Rob Blake from Addlestone, Surrey, who moved to LA four years ago to pursue a new job for British Airways Engineering.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

I’ve been to LA many times over the last nine years as a tourist – usually stopping here for a day or two on the way to Vegas, partying in Hollywood, Santa Monica or the South Bay. These trips had always left a good impression on me. Friendly people, nice weather and I always remembered the flowers everywhere.

FLYING HIGH: you might just spot Rob Blake at LAX

      I arrived with my wife Hannah in August 2015, and got stuck right in. At first the job was good – hard work, plenty of time off, making friends, discovering the delights of Venice Beach being our new playground. Hannah gave up a career in England to pursue acting, and did really well too. But things started to change. My workload began to steadily increase, (mainly due to the rise of Norwegian Airlines, our biggest customer), and in the following twl years our workload had increased three times and with no new staff to compensate I found myself working 70 hours a week and feeling rather fed up! So after a lot of discussion and contemplation we made the decision to return to the UK. At first it was great – we returned in May 2018 to best summer England has ever seen. But things weren’t the same as when we left; Brexit misery, stagnant wages, terrible weather most of the year left us both missing LA more and more. In December 2018 the top engineering job came up, so I went for it – and got it! We returned to LA in March 2019, and we’re really glad we did. Things are going well – Hannah’s career is really taking off after stagnation in England, and for the first time in my life I no longer work weekends (perks of being the boss)!

What do you miss most from home?

Having returned for 10 months to England and not liking it as much as I thought I would, not a lot. I always bring home Marmite and Angel Delight when I go to Tesco, but there’s not much I can’t get here these days. I miss family and friends, but luckily, we live in a world with Skype and WhatsApp. Staff travel is quite nice too – we usually get home three of four 4 times a year.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

Expensive! It really surprised me, and was quite a big adjustment But it is compensated for with higher earnings. I love the weather, and I find people genuinely friendly and positive, and I love the attitude and can-do attitude here. Another thing I noticed – although the traffic is bad here its way better than the south east back in England!

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Addlestone?

It’s fun here! My home tome is quiet, and I really love that I can get out somewhere in South Bay any night to see a band or eat somewhere amazing.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

All of my best tips would probably relate to motorcycling – I love the canyon roads in Malibu and Azusa early on the weekend mornings. El Matador state beach is great – we always take visitors there.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

Do it. Although my job is fixed, its better and more fulfilling than anything I could do in England. I look at my wife’s acting achievements in the short time we’ve been here and it tells you it really is the land of opportunity and meritocracy. We’re planning on staying, buying a house and hopefully raising a family here. Here’s to the next adventure!

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

I suppose what I tell my new starters from Europe is not to compare it to home – accept it for what is and roll with it. The DMV and banking always cause a few face-palm moments!

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment? 

Well I suspect I’m not the standard Brit in LA – I’m very lucky to be here for sure. But you’ll see me in LAX fixing aircraft and drinking tea with the cabin crew! Please do say hi if you see me on Norwegian, Iberia, BA or Aer Lingus!