Meet A Member: Jaspreet Sabrina Dosanjh

Meet Jaspreet Sabrina Dosanjh, born and raised in Birmingham, who moved to LA a year ago to pursue acting and “to satisfy my curiosity about Los Angeles”.

Was there a particular reason you chose to live in LA?

Jaspreet Sabrina Dosanjh

I grew up watching TV and thinking LA was one of the coolest places ever. I chose to live here to satisfy my curiosity about the birthplace of Beverly Hills 90210, The A-Team and Grease, to find a car as cool as K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider and hang out with the Fonz.  I’ve balanced art and science in my life, having worked in Britain for both the BBC and in Biochemical Engineering. When I was able to get a job out here in the science world which still left time to pursue acting, it was a dream come true.

What Do You Miss Most From Home?

Having custard with cake instead of ice cream. Not having your accent be a topic of conversation. Friends and family, of course. Oh, and the NHS.

What was your first impression of la and has it changed since?

My first impression was that the weather was beautiful, and quite surreal. But the city was very spread out and not as glamorous as I expected.  I feel like I am still seeing so many different things in LA. It is like a maze with lots of little treasure troves to open. There is lots to learn and so many different things to see and I like it more every time I get out there to explore it.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Britain?

Having to explain my background and culture more and having to make more effort to build an integrated community when our history is so different. I appreciate the human connections and friendships much more than I ever did, as when the good ones are made they are amazing.  I think I took a lot of this for granted when I was in England. Everyone was so close together, it was much easier. Here you definitely have to make more effort, and so when people make that effort, I value it.

Do You Have A Hidden Gem In La That You Want To Share With Us?

Yes I do but I’m actually not going to tell you as the reason I love it, is that it is hidden. But one special place that’s less hidden is Venice Beach Skate Park, go there to watch the skateboarding and eat ice cream. Such fun.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking of making the move here?

Go to Disneyland, it’s amazing. Read the history of that place, open up your mind to see the magic then take that feeling of wonder and keep it as an adult, always. When you move here, embrace the change and make the effort to meet people and venture out. Have an adventure every single day.  Produce your own stuff, make your dreams come true yourself. It will take time, but there is no reason why it would not ever happen.  Just keep going……and let me know if you find either K.I.T.T. or The Fonz – I’m still looking.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Be less British….i.e.,don’t be afraid to show and have more confidence, sell yourself. Be proud of who you are and build upon that. But always always always stay authentic.

How can we find out more about you?

Keep up with my Instagram/Twitter…. @jaspreetsabrina the more you ask, the more I’ll answer…. but only do it in your spare time after you have spent time with your real life friends…make that a priority. Your lives are definitely just as exciting if not more…. just see it… be part of your own story as well as watching mine 🙂