British sausages back on the menu? Jolly Good!

Good news for fans of real British sausages! Ye Olde King’s Head Pub and Shoppe, which has owned the rights to Jolly Good meat products since 2016, recently secured their USDA seal of approval to ship to customers across the country.

     Longtime readers and fans of British bangers will be familiar with the Jolly Good brand, which was founded by Cheshire-born Martin Lunt in 1983 and was available in many local British shops and pubs before Martin’s retirement in in 2016. At that the time Martin’s recipes and the rights to the Jolly Good name were bought by Donal Tavey at Ye Olde Kings Head Shoppe, which has been selling the uniquely British sausages, chipolatas, sausage rolls and pork pies ever since. Thanks to their new USDA certification, they can reach the wider audience they deserve.

     Outlets interested in stocking Jolly Good products should email Donal directly at