Meet a Member: Charles Wolschon

Meet Charles from Grosse Pointe, Michigan who moved to Los Angeles 21 years ago to pursue a career in film scoring which has worked out very well. While in the mix of working at that, he also became an author who writes books on pubs, beer, and the history of the brewing industry.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

Charles Wolschon: “Time pushes us, but it’s the passion that drives us”.

Honestly, although I had never been to Los Angeles (or California for that matter) before I moved here, I was already an accomplished classical composer and conductor, so I figured what better way to break into the film industry then by moving to Hollywood where all the action is at. But to be fair, as I know that this is “Brits in LA” I did live in London for a number of years and travelled back and forth between London and LA. 

What do you miss most from home? 

After being here all these years and growing up on the water and being a diehard boater, I definitely miss the Michigan summers and being on the lake enjoying the boat with family and friends. While I do try to go back every year and celebrate the 4th of July with my family (I know the Yankee rebels!!) the summers (and ocean boating) in LA are just not the same. You take for granted what you grow up accustomed too and learn to appreciate things more as you become [more] of an adult. But with that being said, and living across the pond as well, I do really miss the history and the architecture of London, along with some great English Ales!!!

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

Los Angeles is one large concrete jungle and how can I ever get used to the abominable traffic? The traffic situation has definitely changed – it has gotten a hell of a lot worse in twenty years!!!

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Michigan? 

The biggest difference between here and Michigan – the densely populated cityscape to land area ratio – if that makes sense: i.e. no place to park!!!!!

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us? 

I do have a hidden gem, but if I mention it won’t be hidden anymore will it? Let’s just say that I love the outdoors and hiking and I know of a great hidden canyon that is very secluded and is where I go to gather my thoughts and de-stress. And it is definitely not anywhere near Runyon Canyon. 

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Save up some money before you make the move so you can find a nice place to live in a clean and safe area. Invest some time in research about the city too!!

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Well, two phrases that I try to live by that I came up with are: “Don’t give up; the struggles of today develops the strengths of tomorrow” and “Time pushes us, but it’s the passion that drives us”.

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment?  

Work wise, I have finished my third symphony “A Symphony of Horror” and I am starting my 4th Symphony as well. I just finished scoring a television pilot, and I am also writing my next book in the “Pubs To Have a Pint In” Trilogy, that being the history of Dublin as told through its pubs. The first book in the series was London as told through its pubs of course!!

Feel free to check out my websites, for my music biz or my book website: Also, you can check out my book on the website or on I also write a blog that coincides with the book at Thanks!