Meet a Member: Francesca Leigh

Meet Francesca Leigh from London who moved to LA 18 years ago…to pursue adventure

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

Francesca Leigh: “Don’t let anyone deter you if you feel your ready to start a new life here.”

I had been living close to Balboa Island in Newport Beach, and a friend offered a place to share on Ninth Street in Santa Monica. 

What  do you miss most from home? 

I miss travelling the tube, Christmas time in London, jumping into leaves piled high in the local park in Autumn, the frenzy of those Sunday morning jumble sales at the local church, the nightlife of London, and of course English people! But thanks to Brits in LA we can now all connect when we need that English fix!

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

I was a stage school kid, went to Italia Conti, got my Equity card and then took off on a World Cruise on the Canberra sailing 68,000 miles circumnavigating the globe. So I was eager to continue the adventure in the USA. My first impression of LA was the Fun Zone in Newport Beach where I stayed on my arrival. My first real job was as a nanny in Pacific Palisades when I moved to LA, so the fun more or less stopped at that point. Of course it was immensely life changing and deriving those lessons from every job, good or bad, is positive for one’s own personal growth. But one day I asked myself: ‘What am I doing here’? I realized then it was time to move on to the next chapter.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus London?

Everywhere you go there’s mountains and palm trees, and magnificent scenic views of nature. I love the healthy lifestyle of most angelenos who are so passionately into health and fitness, which is truly appealing as I’m on that longevity trajectory too.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. A majestic Tudor estate with landscaped English gardens once owned by the Doheny family. Built in 1928, it was the most expensive home ever built in California at the time. It’s absolutely palatial, grand, impressive and awe-inspiring.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?  

Don’t let anyone deter you if you feel your ready to start a new life here. Having a friend to stay with is essential and who can hopefully show you the ropes and pitfalls. From there you can spread your wings and fly wherever you decide. There will be challenges, adversities and many mistakes made, but taking risks is the key to finding the right path for the fulfillment of your goals.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people – and animals! We need to share our lives, our knowledge, our wealth or else there is little point in human existence.  Be as friendly to the janitor as you are to the chairman of the board. We’re all in this together. Show respect for everyone who works for a living, regardless of how trivial their job. Every person that you meet knows something you don’t; so learn from them. Don’t confuse wealth with success; It’s about a person’s character. The only time is the present, so make that Bucket List now, and maybe give it away before you kick the bucket. And finally. For all the life lessons, experiences and adventures I have had, I can think of only three words right now: gratitude, compassion and kindness! If we excel in these three qualities, then we will have won. When I look back on my life; from travelling the world, to performing at The Hollywood Bowl, working with Spielberg’s mother, meeting Schwarzenegger, shaking hands with the ex-soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and more, I can honestly tell you, for every heart-pounding risk I took, every disappointment, heartbreak, disaster, accident, setback or tribulation, it was all utterly and absolutely worth it. There indeed have been hardships and life lessons learned along this journey, none of which I would change. It made me who I am today. I firmly believe that inner growth and character improvement is one of the reasons why we are here. I suppose Robert Frost summed it up best when he wrote: ‘I took the road less traveled. And that has made all the difference’.

Lastly, how can we find out more about you ? Are you working on anything at the moment? 

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