Meet a Member: Paul Blanchard

Not all Brits in LA Members live in Los Angeles: in fact, a fair number are scattered around the globe. This week’s Meet a Member is Paul Blanchard who lives in Milton Keynes but visits Los Angeles every two weeks to work with clients of his reputation management business, Right Angles.

Seeing as you don’t live in Los Angeles how did you end up joining Brits in LA?

Brits in LA was very helpful to me as I took those first steps towards expanding my business there and dipping my toe in the Hollywood waters. The sense of community is fantastic, it’s a warm and welcoming group, also an outward looking one, and I felt accepted right away. Especially at events like Brits in LA Pub Quiz.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

What a great question. My first experience of LA was 17 years ago when I got married. For our honeymoon we did a whirlwind tour of US cities and spent three days in LA, staying in Hollywood. It’s a cliché to say it but Hollywood wasn’t as glamorous as the movies made it seem, it was a bit grimy. We went downtown naively thinking it might be a five-minute drive and the sheer vastness of LA was a big surprise. My first impression was we should have planned better. I’ve been back to LA so many times since and now I know it incredibly well and have grown to love the city.

Do you think you could ever see yourself moving to LA, if not tell us what keeps you in Milton Keynes?

I would love to live in LA, and already spend every other week in America, but go where the work is. I look after global leaders and we have nearly 45 of them based all around the world so I go where they are.  I maximize my time in LA with six or seven meetings per day, so I don’t have time for jet lag.

What do you miss most from home when you’re here?

Very easy answer: my dogs Billy and Betty. They are miniature German schnauzers. My wife comes with me on every other work trip and being away so much we feel like part-time doggy parents.  

What do you find the biggest difference is between Los Angeles and Milton Keynes?

Apart from the weather it would be the prosperity. I am no fan of President Trump at all but it can’t be denied that the US economy is booming whereas in Britain there’s much uncertainty around Brexit. I can meet five prospective clients in LA and four will sign but in Britain only two out of five will sign. I’m just as handsome and charismatic in both places so either they understand thought leadership better in the States or the economy is better.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I love Neuehouse on Sunset. I’m a member of most of the clubs you’d expect but that one is fantastic because it’s not a café it’s a creative space but much more work focused than the others and I find it a great place to base myself in LA. The new downtown Neuehouse is great too.

We hear you have been working on an exciting project. Care to tell us more about it?

Lots of people come to LA hoping to reinvent themselves and Right Angles can help them with that. We work with a lot of high net worth individuals who want to crack Hollywood and are excited to take the methodologies we’ve used with clients in Europe and on the East Coast to make them even more successful amid the bright lights.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given ? 

That in LA, ‘yes’ doesn’t necessarily mean yes. But that doesn’t mean everything you hear is bullsh-t. People in LA are naturally enthusiastic, say yes to so many things and make their promises in the moment. You have to work hard to make sure those promises are delivered.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Do it – there’s a lot of prosperity and opportunity in LA and a lot of really nice people doing great work. It’s a lifestyle all of its own and will either charm and seduce you or it won’t. But if it does, you can have a great life.

Lastly, how can we find you on the Internet ?

Check out the website, find me on Instagram at @paulwrblanchard or email me on