Meet A Member: Marcus Hamilton-Gibson

Meet Marcus Hamilton-Gibson from London who has been coming to LA for the last seven years ago ‘to advance my acting/comedy career. Looking to move here full time in September.”

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?
As an actor/comedian/writer for many years I have dreamt of pursuing a career  in Hollywood. I started by coming for Oscars week in 2013 as it fell on the 24th February the day before my birthday. I had such a brilliant time including being invited to Adele’s pre-Oscar party in Laurel Canyon  with my dear friend John Campbell-Mac. I have known John for over twenty years and I was the Master of Ceremonies at the wedding to his beautiful wife Stephanie. Adele won the Oscar for Best Original Song with Skyfall from the Bond film of the same name. It was a little  bit after that time that there started to be whispers that they might be replacing Daniel Craig with Idris Elba. I had always said jokingly for years that I would be the first black James Bond. So if they decided against Idris and are looking for a relative new comer, I’m your man.

What one thing do you miss from home?
I am working toward being in the USA full time from September onwards. I have now found an agent so he is now helping me get my paperwork together for my move. For sure I will miss my mum who I take care of and my brother who will take over my duties when I am in LA. I will miss all my family and friends.

     I will also miss my beloved Brentford FC who are moving to a new stadium at the end of the season, away from Griffin Park which has been their home from 1904. I played semi-professional football for short periods in Germany, Holland and in England. I was very lucky to have the opportunity to work with Brentford FC and the Mayor of Hounslow’s office. We organised a few charity events which included playing with my old school team Griffin Park. I was also blessed to work at the 2006 World Cup in Germany, possibly the best month of my life, travelling around the country looking after VIPs as I speak the language fluently.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?
From the minute I arrived in LA I loved it. Every time I come back it gets a little better. I get a chance to hang out with my lovely cousins who live in LA. I have a nice circle of friends here now and a great agent who has been really helpful for me to make the move across “the pond”.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus the UK?
Apart from the obvious which is the weather, the fact that the Americans drive on the wrong side of the road and the cars are all left hand drive. There are so many differences too numerous to count. Things that stand out to me are there are more jobs for actors/performers in LA (on the flip side much more competition) and because of the climate people seem more relaxed, healthy and happy. (There is nothing worst than landing at a soggy, foggy Heathrow airport after spending time in the comparative paradise of LA)

Do you have any hidden gems in LA that you want to share with us?
That is all about the social scene in LA. Where do I start? Chateau Marmont is one of my favourite places.  I was lucky enough to be there on Oscar night a few years ago that was an absolute blast. Love the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel, also Soho House has a great vibe. . My favourite gem that I want to share is not actually in LA. If you are taking that obligatory drive to Las Vegas , then you must stop at Peggy Sue’s 50’s dinner in Bakersfield. The most wonderful food imaginable, like going back in time to a episode of Happy Days. I kept expecting the Fonze to jump out and say “Eeey”. Definitely the best milkshakes I have tasted anywhere in the world.

Lots of members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom…what is the best piece of advice you have been given?
The 6 Ps: Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Finally, how can we find out more about you?
Find me on Facebook at Marcus Hamilton Gibson Actor or