Who’s Zooming Who?

Hello Everyone!

     How’s this self-isolation got you all feeling? Stir-crazy yet?

     Of course some people are still working, while a lot of people have lost their jobs or in a state of limbo. I truly feel for you. Depending on what your work situation there is help out there and first on your list should be to see if you qualify for EDD.

     Then there are ton of grants out there to help, just ask your old boss or head of Human Resources.

     We are definitely feeling the pinch at BRITS IN LA, as we have lost half of our advertisers. But that’s not going to stop us from creating content and online events for you. We are talking with Sandro about hosting a virtual pub quiz and this Tuesday we are launching our Brits in LA Brekkie Club from home using Zoom. Find us on Facebook for the link, because it’s VITALLY important to feel close to your friends during times like these. I’m also planning to host a virtual dance party for Monday nights, starting next week so watch out for that.

     The fact that 500,000 Brits signed up in just a few hours to volunteer for the NHS this week shows yet again what a kind and generous nation the British are. To make a difference locally, if you yourself need or know of anyone elderly having a hard time with all of this please reach out to us and let us see how we can help.

     Shakespeare allegedly wrote some of his finest works while under lockdown during an epidemic. With that in mind I have created a new character called “Colin the Raver” on Instagram (@colintheraver). Apologies to member so the group called Colin. But he is giving a survivor’s guide for these difficult Coronavirus times. He’s a 35-year old teenager who loves rave music and lives at home with his parents. It is very silly but fun and the best part is that each video is under a minute long and its FREE!

     Finally, if things are getting you stressed and need help, try visiting betterhelpcom.

     Stay healthy out there!

Craig Young