Captivity breeds creativity!

Hey Britlings

How’s it all going in your homes? I bet they’ve never been so tidy. More importantly how are you getting on with your “Bubble family”?

     It’s very easy to start getting on each other’s nerves. Trust me I know, especially when you are also working from home too. Michael and I are stressing each other out about how clean we are. Neither of us dare sneeze or we are in for a dousing of Lysol spray. When we go out it’s like we are preparing for battle. Gloves on, masks on, Glasses on  –  Purell at the ready – let’s go supermarket shopping! Even though there are two of us in the house we thought it might be okay to have my sister-in-law and niece come around for dinner each night, seeing they had been self-isolating for two weeks too at this point, but one of our community, namely Marina Paganucci –informed me during last week’s virtual Brits Brekkie Club – that its a big no-no. She had consulted her family practitioner and quickly shut it down. This despite the fact that we make them take off their shoes and wash their hands upon entry and we eat six feet apart. I guess we were still taking a risk, so we have decided to be smarter now and not have them come round for dinner until all this is over. You are all welcome to take part in Viritual Brits Brekkie via the Zoom app – and you never know what you might learn from others in the community. (Thanks, Marina!)

IG Short: Nick Hardcastle’s Prom 2020

     I asked our Facebook group how they have been spending their time during this shelter in place period – some people have been following in my footsteps (check me out on IG @colintheraver’s) by creating content for Instagram stories. Special mention must go to Nick Hardcastle (@nickcastlehard) who is re-creating recently canceled public events, He started with Prom2020 – From the date to the dance to the dinner – which is a hoot all the way and now he’s in the middle of #limpics2020 – the curling and wrestling are pure gems – and host Nicky No Pants is a real treat.  

Scott Urner @scottdotcom has created QUARANFREE (right)  A comedy jaunt of tips to cope through these mad times. Jonathan Jude has created a series called  “Happy Epidemic” on youtube. A more dark comedy, on how self-isolation can really start to mess with your social skills. Katy’s 16 year old is handling by creating THINGS MOMS SAY DURING QUARANTINE also on YouTube.

      For you creative types I have partnered with our own Elizabeth Arends on The Lockdown Fiom Festival. Submit your two minute shorts. It’s just for fun, but winners get toilet paper – come on we all know we need it! Find it on and search for Lockdownlogon.

     We canvassed various BiLA members to see how they were getting on during this challenging time, here’s a few of our replies: Dan is studying to do a TED TALK. Valerie is trying to keep productive, by creating a new routine, but is thankful for her cats for company. Meanwhile Natalie is awaiting the birth of her second child on April 6th. I heard some places in the world aren’t allowing more than one person to be present during the birth. So we wish you well Natalie. Some of us already have their young ‘uns at home. And Shayne, mum to an 18-month says that other than going to the park to play, everything is still much the same, unlike Lucy, who is working from home and has two very young children in the middle of potty training – so you can imagine how fun zoom video conferencing is going to be. Samantha is eating Oreos, a lot of them. Miranda has a stranger delivering some random acts of kindness, by leaving TP on her doorstep. Sarah is even more productive, working on her fitness biz and accompanying fitness videos. On the other hand Yadani has created a home spa – I can relate to this – I’ve been spending more and more time in the bathtub, (a small 1/2 sized bathtub may I add), pondering whether to stay in till I shrivel up or get out and lather myself in Purell again. Kerry has two boys, a house to keep and a bottle of alcohol, another Kerry also with two young boys is feeling blessed as her community has gathered around and helped after her husband had been diagnosed with COVID-19. And a lot of hospitals have canceled regular surgeries, affecting thousands – including Roland’s girlfriend who was supposed to have breast cancer surgery.

     Like everyone else who is suffering during these times our hearts go out to you and your loved ones. 


Craig Young