Meet a Member: Julie Gray

Meet Julie Gray from Glasgow who moved to LA 8 years ago to pursue less disruption in her travel schedule… and sunshine!

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

Julie Gray: “Do your homework – get on Brits in LA
and find out what part of LA is right for you..”

When I first moved to the US 13 years ago, I chose NYC – I loved the energy, the walkability, and Broadway. However as a consultant I was travelling weekly and just got sick of my flights being diverted, particularly in winter, and spending my Friday nights in airport hotels. So I was looking for somewhere the weather wouldn’t curtail my time at home and I could still enjoy film and theatre. I had spent time in LA as a student on a Work America program and attended some seminars at UCLA while completing a Certificate in Screenwriting. I loved seeing so much blue sky, the tall palm trees, the miles of beaches and the ocean – in Manhattan the skyscrapers really kind of box you in.

What do you miss most from home?

Of course I miss friends and family, but also the architecture, and the history. I was fortunate with my career in that I got to travel all over Europe. I love the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow, and of Gaudi in Barcelona, the Arrondissements of Paris and the Canals in Venice, to name a few.

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

My first impression was as a student at 19 years old. I was staying with relatives of a friend and what struck me at that point was that people did not walk anywhere, not even to the grocery store a quarter of a mile away. We did the Walk of Fame and other tourist attractions, but it was very much in and out, get back in the car. I think people do walk more now, and feel safe doing so.

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Glasgow?

In Glasgow there is a real sense of belonging – people are born there, go to local universities, find jobs and stay forever. And I don’t blame them. It’s a fantastic city. When you walk around you hear mainly Glaswegian accents, which I love. It has a very definitive identity and culture. LA is very different – people come and go from everywhere in the world. It is much more diverse, as a whole and as you go from one neighborhood to another.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I am not sure that they are hidden, but my favorite two places are Runyon Canyon Park and The Last Bookstore. The first time I went to Runyon Canyon I took a blanket, a picnic and a book – I quickly realized it wasn’t that kind of park! I love the sense of achievement of getting to the top, the stunning views, and the fact that pretty much everyone there is smiling. I have the added advantage of being able to walk there so the limited parking is not a problem. If you want to know why I like The Last Bookstore just go!

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

Do your homework – get on Brits in LA and find out what part of LA is right for you – in terms of the neighborhood, and your commute. And make sure you understand how everything works from social security numbers, bank accounts, the DMV and healthcare.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Get out and explore. Don’t just stay in your little neck of the woods. There are so many wonderful neighborhoods with different culinary delights and hidden gems.

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment?

Right now, like so many others, I am ‘seeking new opportunities’. My company basically lost 80% of our business overnight – my job involved travelling to client sites all over the US to provide executive coaching, leadership development and implementation of strategic initiatives etc. Hard to do while staying at home. I am using this time to get back into my screenwriting while looking for local opportunities here in LA – time to get off the road! I have included a link to my profile on linked in below – if anyone has any leads or ideas would love to hear from you.