Ten Weeks In: What We Can Do To Stay Strong

Here we are still… ten weeks in and like most I was finding it hard to be inspired. I’ve had my ups and downs emotionally during these times, more so lately as it seems like until there’s a vaccine we will be limited to moving around. As a social person who loves to travel it’s especially hard.

   As you probably know, we have been hosting our breakfast club and pub quiz on Zoom and Tuesdays has now become my new weekend. It’s the day I get to see our members and catch up and pretend everything is seemingly normal. This week BiLA member Andrew told us about the website “JamKazam.Com” it’s a site where you can play with other musicians in the virtual space. On Tuesday nights of course there is our Zoom trivia contest where I double team with host Sandro Monetti as teams or individuals test their knowledge, getting their drink on between rounds, of course.

   But what to do for the rest of the week? 

   Wouldn’t it be a shame if when this is all over and the only thing we can talk about is all the things we didn’t do during the corona time? So I’ve come up with a list of things that you might want to try, remember it’s never too late to learn. 

Online courses:  In a panic buying mood I thought it would be fun to purchase a drone. Thinking when this is all over it could be fun to become a drone operator. Well after I bought it I realized I will need a license to fly it commercially for filming purposes. So I’ve been bogged down studying for my drone operator pilot’s license. The course is $180 and it’s actually quite fascinating. I’m now halfway through. 

Play:  Some of you are still working from home and I’m hearing how incredibly tough it is trying to do your job, home schooling and also trying to entertain bored children. I feel for you. There are some really fun interactive things on-line to get your kids involved in to make learning fun. We did a fun challenge with my niece and her friends through texting. A virtual scavenger hunt of sorts. Where I texted mini challenges to them all and the first one to post a picture of them with the completed task will win the point. Tasks like: gather five different items that contain the color red. Draw a picture of your favorite Disney princess. (Extra points for creativity) Dress up in either your mum and dad’s clothes and take a video with your best impression of them. Decorate an egg. Video yourself pulling funny faces. Paint your face. And my favorite “fix mommy or daddy a cocktail” you’ll be surprised how much they get into it and how many memories you will make for them and you. 

Exercise: On the down days, try to at least get some fresh air, whether it’s a stroll around the block (mask on of course) or a full-on hike. I heard bike sales have gone through the roof, and more and more people are taking up this great pastime. 

Read-a-book; put your phone down for a bit and get your head in a book, I know I’ve tons of books lying around the house that I’ve not yet started, but this weekend I just might take the time.

Learn a new language:  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve promised to start learning Spanish, French, Italian and ASL (sign language) well no more. There are many online apps like “Duolingo” which is great, its  fun and interactive and truly helps you learn a new language with levels reached and entertaining challenges along the way. I’m learning with my mum, who’s stuck indoors in England. Another great way of keeping connected. 

Random acts of kindness:– Send a friend or a family member something unusual. I found this great website called Cocktail Courier that will send all the ingredients needed for a fancy cocktail for two for $33. The online resource British Corner Shop are doing “britkits” stocked with lots of your favorite products from home like a biscuit box which includes Hobnobs, Custard Cremes, Digestives and Rich Tea. Or the chocolate box with is full of Cadbury’s goodness. Visit britishcornershop.co.uk and use the code BRITSINLA15 for $15 off all orders over $75.

   For those friends or family back home you can go to a local supermarket website like Iceland.co.uk and go shopping for them and have items delivered free. And if course flowers are always welcome too.

   These are just a few suggestions, I’m sure you have some of your own. If so please feel free to share them with us on the Facebook group.

   However you use your time, use it wisely and have fun!

Stay safe 

Craig Young