Trivia Tiebreaker Tonguetwister…!

At the return of Brits in LA Virtual Pub Quiz, a close fought contest resulted in a tie for the lead and a tonguetwister tiebreaker to decide the winner.

     The challenge was for who could say the name Judi Dench most in 20 seconds and Robert Dimitri took the win with 17, securing the grand prize, a $40 gift card for takeout or delivery from The Cat and Fiddle.

Around 50 players logged into Zoom to try their luck with quizmaster Sandro Monetti’s trivia questions and to be entertained between rounds by songs from Zachary Street, joining all the way from London.

     All are welcome to join the fun next Tuesday, June 16, by logging into Zoom at 7.45pm and using the ID 960 556 148.