RIP Jimmy Carr

As most of you probably know, our community lost a giant character this week, with the sudden death of Jimmy Carr, everybody’s favorite Geordie.

In his element: Jimmy with his trademark smile

     Funny, kind and generous, Jimmy was a friend to everyone he met, and never happier than leaving us all slapping our thighs with laughter at his jokes and crazy antics. The tales about him are legendary and will be told for years to come, all over the world, and he will enjoy looking down at us telling his life in stories.

     Jimmy went sailing to Catalina at the weekend of June 13-14th with his wife Ellie, and Jayne and Rob, on Rob’s yacht Seahorse, having a well- deserved break from his usual hard work week. True to form, he got up at the crack of dawn, and went up on deck, pausing only to answer Ellie, who asked if he could see properly in the dark cabin. Jimmy said “Yes! Stop worrying about me…but I appreciate you looking after me”, and that was the last time Ellie saw him alive. He had a massive heart attack and passed away shortly afterwards. We can take some comfort in knowing that he was having a great old time, relaxing with his wife and friends and likely never knew what happened.

Family man: Jimmy with wife Ellie and son Dean

     Jimmy’s untimely death left lots of broken hearts, but none more hurt than Ellie, the love of his life for 36 years, who shares her husband’s gifts of love, strength and laughter, and his three handsome sons: James, who will return to his Venice home this week from Australia, after welcoming his second baby to the world; Sean, who was Jimmy’s side-kick and always loved to be by his dad, on the beach or camping, or just hanging out together, and Dean, who has been a rock for Ellie and shares his dad’s cheeky sense of fun and laughter. They are a credit to Jimmy and Ellie.

     The Carrs have been at the centre of the Westside Community for years and have always been solid in their friendship and support of all who knew them. Now, without their husband and father, they need that same community to rally round and help them through this tragedy. Because of the present situation, a benefit will not be possible, but there will be a get-together in the future to celebrate the colorful life of a local British legend. In the meantime, a Go Fund Me page has been set up so that all his friends, far and wide, can show their love and respect for Jimmy and his family. Go to and put Jimmy Carr Santa Monica in the search box.

     RIP Jimmy, you will be sorely missed.