The Hoff’s Having It Off With a Sexy Socialite!

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I’ve been dying to tell you this for ages…David Hasselhoff has got himself a new girlfriend, and I know her (of course)! And judging from this clinch it looks as if David doesn’t care who knows it…

According to my sources, ahem, the Baywatch actor has been dating the unbelievably sexy socialite, Anouska De Georgiou for five months.

The pair was spotted together on Sunday at an LA marina, pondering whether or not to go out on a jetski. After deciding it was too cold they had a snog instead – well that should warm them up!

The Hoff has been divorced from ex-wife Pamela Bach for 4 years, while Anouska has been linked with Mick Hucknall, Blue singer, Lee Ryan and Jared Leto in the past. All greats then!

DJ Scott Mills said last year that David had been lonely and needed to find ‘The One’ – so maybe he has in Anouska. In any case we hoff to hope they’ll be very happy together!

GO, GO, ‘Noushy’ De G… See, I can keep my mouth shut when I want to!

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