Covid drags on, with no end in sight…

I feel like I am living in a parallel universe. Nothing seems to make sense any more. We have all (for the most part) put our personal lives on pause, so much so that it almost makes the concept of time irrelevant. I only really notice the passing of another week because it is time to put the bins out again. But those days in between do drag on, don’t they? Time has slowed down so much that I have often wondered if we are traveling backwards? Except we are almost eight months in to 2020! And it looks like there is no clear end in sight.

Banksy: Don’t Mask, Don’t Get

       It doesn’t help matters that only some of us are willing to try anything to get through it relatively unscathed. There are so many gatherings and parties in my neighborhood it is hard to believe we are still in the middle of a global pandemic. Which brings me to the dreaded M word that is currently causing a divide both sides of the pond. Personally I don’t like wearing a mask. It makes me hot, sweaty and anxious. Lining up to go in to a supermarket in the blazing hot sun whilst trying to breathe through a face covering is far worse than I could ever have imagined. It makes me even more impressed with our healthcare workers, who are willing to wear them for hours on end on top of looking after all of us.

       I endure the discomfort as I have been informed that it might protect you if I wear one. So that is enough for me to do so. If I can’t face wearing a mask, then I don’t go out. I have four masks on rotation which I wash as soon as I get home. I soak them in a bucket of hot soapy water and add some Pinesol to give me extra peace of mind. It is all a bit of a nuisance, and there have been many a time that I have forgotten my mask. In which case I accept that my privilege to shop has been temporarily revoked. I don’t understand why so many people are against mask wearing? Or worse, think that it is ok to go out without one when they have been told that it may very well save a life. Nothing will keep us totally safe, but by trying our best, we and the people around us have a better chance of protecting each other. It is not only our civic duty but also a moral one. Think of it as risk reduction rather than absolute prevention. We all know that seatbelts in car crashes save lives but we also know that many people still get killed whilst wearing a seatbelt.  It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use one. It is also mandatory in the state on California, so if you do want us to get back to some kind of normality any time soon, do your bit and put a mask on! Or just stay home.

       I know so many of you are worried about how you are going to manage financially over the next few months and whilst I have no solid advice for you, I highly recommend you head over to our Facebook page @BritsinLA as there are lots of people in the same boat, all sharing their experiences, suggestions and trying to support one another. Even if you don’t really know anyone in the group, don’t be afraid to participate. In the words of Robert Frost “ the best way out is always through” and we will get through this, purely because we have to!

       We are still running our virtual events online via Zoom, so come and join us if you can. Both Breakfast Club and Pub Quiz are every Tuesday. Full details can be found at www.Britsin.LA or drop us a line at info@Britsin.LA and either Craig or I will respond. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would just lie to say hello, as we always love hearing from you.

       Lastly, one of my favourite contemporary artists, Banksy was hard at work this week giving his perspective on the great mask debate. Aptly named “If you don’t mask – you don’t get.” Couldn’t have put it better myself.

       Hope to see some of you on Zoom next week!

