Countryside Covid

by guest columnist Annie McQueen 

Well, it’s still here isn’t it?

     I have to admit, I didn’t think it would be around this long to be honest. I thought one of the so-called ‘superpowers’ would have created a vaccine by now. I also thought that if there were tough restrictions laid down by the powers that be it would have got under control quickly and the numbers would drop. Naïve much? Or hopeful that our leaders would do things properly and that people would practise common sense? There’s no coincidence that the countries who are dealing with it better than others are those that have better people in positions of power. It’s that simple.  (I’m not going to go into detail here. Just Google it).

Annie McQueen

      I began my Covid 19 journey in Santa Monica, USA and I’m now in Yorkshire, England and have been for three months. Personal reasons brought me here and it looks like I’ll be here for the foreseeable. Not just due to those personal reasons, I just can’t bear thought of returning to California, even the States, right now. Along with the natural environment burning away the beautiful California landscape and devastating homes and lives, the political climate is also a raging fireball, after the fire that was ignited four years ago. That scares me more than everything else. The injustice, the stupidity, the lies that are fed to the public day after day after day. It’s true that here in the UK it’s no bowl of political cherries either….the to-ing and fro-ing regarding Covid restrictions is laughable. However, I physically feel safer in UK than US. Maybe it’s because I’m a citizen I don’t have that immigrant fear here that I think I have in US. (only during the last four years I must add). Also, there’s just so much more space. The thought of being in an over-populated Los Angeles with everyone on top of one another quite literally in apartments crammed in next to each other, street after street, fills me with dread and makes me feel anxious.

Green, green grass of home: Annie has swapped LA for Yorkshire

     Anyway, I don’t want this whole article to be moaning about the pandemic. There have been a lot of positive things to come out of this strange period in our lives. As I said before, my first couple of months during lockdown I was still in LA and I have to say, it was nice to have downtime. To be able to take the dog for a walk three times a day and spend time baking. (That’s a lie. I was actually eating my husband’s baking. I made cupcakes, once). To be able to slow down and enjoy the simple things in life, all with a little more space due to social distancing. I really appreciated all that, especially while there were so many other people suffering. Either from Covid or the many knock-on effects. I had it reeeaaalllly good. Then I had to fly to England. Not gonna lie (this time) I was nervous to fly. But was lucky enough to be one of just four people in the cabin and we were all sat apart. Heaven! Masks on the whole way, with gentle reminders from the captain to do so. After a safe flight to London, I went straight to a test site and received a negative result within 12 hours. I then hot-footed it to my parents’ house for massive hugs. As I said, I feel safe here. Even though there are still masses of people flouting the rules, not caring, not wearing masks, there’s just something in the air here, literally, that calms and soothes me. Maybe because I’m lucky enough to be in the countryside. Taking walks across the moors with its breathtaking scenery looking for Highland Cows (they are there, I keep seeing big clumps of ginger hair and cow pats). Whatever the reason, I’m so grateful for what I do have. Life is obviously on hold for now and for some, has changed completely. Oh but wait! This just in; Trump said the virus will just disappear! That’s that then, we’re all saved! Just like that (cue a Tommy Cooper voice)…..

Follow Annie’s alter ego Nanny Annie on social media 

Instagram  @nanny_annie_tv  
