Be A Grown Up. Wear A Mask!

Too often lately I’m seeing owners of restaurants and businesses not wearing their masks, or not wearing their masks properly. But strictly enforcing their employees to wear them the right way. It seems ever since president Trump laughed at mask wearing, even right up to his last debate, mocking the presidential nominee Joe Biden, for wearing “the biggest mask” a lot of bosses out there feel like they are above it.

…this is what happens when you don’t

     I’ve been on-set as a COVID compliance officer now for the last four months and have been training others to do the same. I have had multiple conversations with a few producers and directors who either can’t be bothered to read the guidelines or think that they just don’t apply to them. I’m sorry, but as proven last weekend this virus doesn’t discriminate, taking down a number of White House officials like a house of cards. Pun intended. I don’t wish COVID 19 upon anyone, but inside my head thoughts of “told you so” keep reverberating. It’s shocking that after 200,000 lives have been lost that those in a position of power still act as if it could never happen to them.

     I cringed as I watched on Instagram the comedienne and host Leslie Jones enter her first day of work on Supermarket Sweep. Her Instagram live story started with her in the back of an SUV arriving at the studio. Whilst in the vehicle with three other passengers she took of her mask to live broadcast. Strike one.

     As she approached the health screening checkpoint. Visible on her screen is a hand sanitizer stand. She bypassed it. Strike two.

     There were two other masked employees at the check in desk, she rolled up right next to them, No social distancing- strike three.

     Still without her mask she yelled (trying to be funny) at the Covid officer as he took her temperature. Strike four.

     She grabbed a pen from the employee at the desk to sign in. Sharing objects is a no-no. Strike five.

     I get it. She’s a celebrity and she’s the boss of the show. But it’s not okay. She should obey the rules like everyone else. Again proving that this all starts at the top.

     If you are a boss I implore you to lead by example. Learn as much as you can about what are your work’s best safe practices are and if you expect your employees to do their best, then so should you.

     Of course there is such a thing as mask fatigue and you should allow proper break times where your staff can take their masks off for a short time, for these masks are itchy, sweaty and uncomfortable around the ears. They make it hard to communicate too, but unfortunately while we still live in these dangerous, infectious times, it’s a must.

     And to all those out there please don’t let your guard down, stay strong and be aware of your surroundings.

Be safe!

Craig Young