Meet River Alexandra Song from who is not from the UK, but from Colon, Michigan and moved to LA 35 years ago to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. 

Was there a particular reason you chose LA? 

LA called to me because it was a lot warmer than where I was living and I had wanted to get into creating a small rep company as I had when I was just out of school. It was LA or New York so I headed toward the sun. 

What do you miss most from home? 

I miss the seasons and hearing carols playing while shopping for Christmas presents, but I don’t think that happens anywhere anymore. I also miss the Magic Convention we used to have every summer. 

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since? 

My first impression was that, like  most actresses, Hollywood needs her make-up in the morning. Now it’s my home and it’s not like, say Chicago, where everything is downtown. LA is a cross-section of humanity if you travel from the West side to the East side you can see it all. 

The biggest difference in living here versus Colon, Michigan?

I was never a small town girl at heart, I wanted to go places and do things. I still want to see Scotland! As a child I went to Chicago whenever I could, so the excitement and the variety of things to do is so much more than I’ve always wanted.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us? 

Hidden gems seem to be getting harder to find of late. Then there is Mama Shelter at the corner of Wilcox and Selma. Rooftops drinks and food, a great view and YES – it’s open. I stumbled in after passing this gem and it was instant love. Good food at the indoor restaurant too!

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

Remember life in Los Angeles is not cheap. I’ve been here a long time and I’ve been really lucky with landlords and rent. Be kinder than you have to be and people will treat you a bit nicer. Talk to people, you never know who you may run into.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

I won’t claim this was said to me but it’s one of my favorites. “None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There’s no time for anything else.” My other favorite is “Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan.” 

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment? 

Well I am building my own website (with help). Recently I have re-invigorated my blog It comprises stories whose content may be Whovian, fairy tales, or crime.  I have a Facebook page ( where I keep with conventions and panels that I do – currently looking for more virtual conventions that are taking panels. Lastly fine me on twitter/RiverAlexSong and instagram/riveralexsong, where there is occasionally a smartass comment and pictures of me and things I find interesting.