There and Back Again

CAROL WILSON’s recent trip to the UK and back turned into a journey across the universe…

Having spent 11 years living in LA and moaning every time I went home to the UK about no direct flight from Manchester, never again will I think it’s a big deal to take myself to Heathrow. Not after a round-the-universe trip to get here this time. Covid 19 has a lot to answer for but you know what, adventure is my middle name.

Ready for the off: Carol readies to leave

     I returned last year to the UK to be with my dad and early this year he passed away. After the funeral there came a ban on visa holders entering the US. I naively thought it would last a couple of weeks and I was loving spending time with my grandson as spring turned to summer and we explored the North West countryside. I had forgotten how fabulous England is and I loved it. The lush countryside, the amazing parks and the NHS not to mention M&S and Tesco.

     But it was going on much longer than we could ever have imagined and then came the fabulous news that my daughter who lives in LA is expecting her first baby. I had to find a way back. I discovered via Brits in LA (Massive thanks to Jonathon Cowley) that if I quarantined in a non-banned country for 14 days I could get in that way. The options were Mexico, Turkey, Dubai etc so I thought go for it, Dubai here I come. What a great decision that was.

     You need a negative Covid 19 test 96 hours before arriving, and once there go through thermal imaging and temperature checks.  I eventually holed up at Le Royal Meridien in Jumeriah Beach (If you are ever going stay here!) I had been the year before to shoot a music video for a client so I had an idea of my bearings. And thereby started the funniest of adventures.

     My children’s friend since childhood DJ Chris Wright (IG @djchriswright) owns a company, Inside Lifestyle that run the most luxurious events and tailor-made holidays. From drinking tea (mixologist thought I was mad) on the 123rd floor of The Burj Khalifa, thinking I had been kidnapped in a taxi as we neared the Abu Dhabi border (My biggest worry was that if we crossed my 14 days would have to start again) partying at the Penthouse at The Five (most instagrammed hotel in the world) and taking meetings in one of the most beautiful offices I have ever seen, it was the best way to spend a quarantine. But the journey must continue. I was struggling to find full cover insurance at an age where most companies think you are one step away from the pearly gates, but the fabulous Adam Beach, once again via Brits in LA came to my rescue.

Dubai: a swell place to quarantine

     At the airport in Dubai they told me I couldn’t fly as on arrival my flight had landed at 0005 and that meant that day wasn’t counted. Fortunately I had come in on an Emirates flight and was leaving on one, so after much ado they let me check in. Phew!! Not so quick, at the boarding gate same scenario, they obviously didn’t know I am never to be defeated. So onto the flight I went.

     The crew were in full PPE and the level of cleanliness and sanitizing that went on I have only seen in an operating theatre. I also had three seats to myself, great for a 16 and half hour flight, but I couldn’t sleep. What if at immigration I had the same problem over the number of days I had been in quarantine? LAX was empty so straight the counter I went sweating and praying it didn’t look like I had a temperature. The officer asked the purpose of my visit and I said to be with my daughter for the birth of my granddaughter. He said he had just had a grandson and stamped my passport and said ‘aren’t we lucky, have fun’ I nearly leapt on the counter and hugged him. But of course during this pandemic you can’t do that. 

     So here I am, finally. And as we wait for the arrival of my granddaughter any day now if was worth every mile, every day traveling and every bit of stress. 2020 you aren’t getting the better of us!!