Meet a Member: Meet Dayna McKiernan

Meet Dayna McKiernan from Dublin, who moved to LA 6 years ago on a one year visa to ‘experience LA life’.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

“….living abroad can be so tough, especially
during a year like this where you feel so disconnected
and far away from home but you really
can rely on the BiLA community.”

 I was always interested in theatre and film so that was definitely a large factor. But the deciding factor came after I did a study abroad in Santa Cruz and I had two mates from there move to LA so I thought that was a good enough reason to move! 

What  do you miss most from home?

 Pints! No, I deeply miss Irish culture. LA has its own magic and I’ve loved living here so far but it’s hard not to crave home. There’s no comparison to the overall culture difference. The banter, pubs, and decent people that come with it. And pints. 

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since?

I was completely star struck when I first moved here. I remember going to the Chinese Theater and thinking “These are Meryl Streep’s actual handprints. I’m practically shaking her hand.” Growing up in Dublin you felt so far removed from the glamour of Hollywood and you idolized celebrities. Now, they could be sitting near you at dinner and you just leave them in peace! 

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Dublin?

I mean, I’d be remiss not to mention weather. The outdoor lifestyle here never gets old for me. I’m always having coffee on a patio or catching the sunset with a glass of wine on the balcony, because here you can! And it’s heaven to me. Another aspect of LA life that took me a minute to get used to was how no-one sticks to plans? When I first moved here, the amount of times I’d plan in advance to meet someone for dinner on, say, a Friday at 8pm and I’d get cancelled on at 7:45pm was insane! Now I’m used to people saying “That should work, but let me get back to you” and never really having confirmed plans. Or is that just me? Do I need new friends?

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

Yes. I am more than delighted to share this little gem because they could really use the business. Crown of India on Santa Monica and Highland is THE best Indian food I’ve had here and it’s so affordable AND it’s BYOB (whenever dining indoors can happen again.) It’s a total hole in the wall but the food is unparalleled. 

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here?

I did it with two suitcases and literally no plan so I probably wouldn’t recommend that. I think cost of living is a significant factor to consider here. And of course the seemingly never-ending battle for visas and green cards takes a toll, so definitely do your research. I had an incredible lawyer if anyone needs a recommendation.  

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

That living abroad can be so tough, especially during a year like this where you feel so disconnected and far away from home but you really can rely on the BiLA community. I’ve seen some pretty amazing things happen in this group and know I always have a community here, which truly is so lovely. Also, IKEA has pick n’ mix!

Lastly, how can we find out more about you ? Are you working on anything at the moment?

Yeah, definitely please feel free to reach out! I love connecting with expats here and saying bin instead of trash with ease. I am a realtor and the market is crazy busy at the moment despite the, well, you know, so feel free to reach out to me with any questions regarding real estate, regardless of whether you’re actively buying or selling, I’d love to be your resource! Find me at or drop me an email: