Meet a Member: Jonathan Cowley

Meet Jonathan Cowley from Eastbourne who moved to LA seventeen years ago to pursue a role in Corporate Sales for British Airways.

Was there a particular reason you chose LA?

In the airline world, the UK to US market is one of the most contested, so I felt that if I wanted to make a name for myself in sales, I should move to the U.S. and as I had previously lived in such idyllic countries as South Africa and Indonesia, I needed to find somewhere with energy and most importantly sunshine!

What  do you miss most from home?

Obviously family, friends, and the usual – Twiglets, bangers, pubs, footie, but also the social side of British life.  My wife Michelle is from Glasgow and we both feel we used to socialize more with our mates when we were back in Blighty.  (Might have something to do with L.A. traffic and lack of good public transport!).

What was your first impression of LA and has it changed since? If so why?

Initially I found it challenging to meet people, which had much to do with my role at BA which involved plenty of events and travel, but after a couple of BritsinLA breakfasts, that issue was resolved!

What do you find the biggest difference is living here versus Eastbourne?

For those who know Eastbourne, you’ll know what I mean when I say the beaches!  I know it may sound corny, but I truly feel this is the land of opportunity, if you’re willing to put in the effort.  I’ve had more opportunity in LA than I could have dreamt of back home, both personally and professionally.

Do you have a hidden gem in LA that you want to share with us?

I love my food, so if you’re looking for good Thai, I recommend the Thai Table in Whittier and don’t forget your British Bangers from The British Banger Co. As I lived in South Africa for a few years, I love to grab a Castle Lager and Boerie roll at the Springbok Bar & Grill in Van Nuys.

What would you suggest to others who are thinking about making the move here? 

Do your research on accommodation when you get here.  I didn’t and agreed to a six-month lease via email on an apartment that ‘overlooked the beach’, which actually had a view of a courtyard.  Also car insurance can be a killer due to you not having driven in the US before, so I strongly recommend contacting Wawanesa who have indisputably the lowest rates.

Lots of our members join our group Brits in LA seeking out words of wisdom – what is the best piece of advice you’ve been given? 

Before moving to LA, try to negotiate flexibility with regard to working from home (if practical), at least a couple of days a week.  During the pandemic, I have worked from home five days a week, been far more productive than pre COVID-19 and have saved myself at least 20-hours of commuting time per week!

Lastly, how can we find out more about you? Are you working on anything at the moment?  

I run Corniche Travel in West Hollywood, and during the pandemic we have been assisting Brits with both flying back to the UK and also returning to the US.  We have also been able to successfully assist Brits with applying for National Interest Exemption waivers to fly directly back to the US.  Seven years ago, due to me being diagnosed with a tumor in my right hand, I had an elective amputation of my right hand.  I’m now actively involved with helping to develop and test advanced bionic hands and prostheses for fellow amputees.  

     Find Jonathan on Instagram @TheBionicBrit and Corniche Travel at and you can contact him at