2020: the year in pictures

2020 for a lot of us was a write-off year but for others it was a chance to regroup, reflect, reevaluate and recharge.

For a world that was shut down it was actually a very active year with major shifts and changes happening and I for one am hoping that 2021 will be less a space odyssey but more of a chance for people to enjoy a rebirth. Let’s celebrate the wins this year, be grateful for all the good things – no matter how small – and cherish those we love, near and far.

In January,  I got to visit the Grand Canyon 
In February I partied with friends at the Elton John Oscar Party

In August, we we took to the streets to protest the injustice in this country towards our black brothers and sisters 
October finally saw the release of Mank, with yours truly playing Charlie Chaplin (now on Netflix)
In November Biden won the tumultuous election.

Recently I watched the classic movie White Christmas for the first time ever. I especially enjoyed the Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney duet called “Count Your Blessings” and this year… it’s all I could do. Happy New Year everyone and continue to practice being safe! 

With gratitude,


     Happy New Year to you all!