Celebrate Black History Month


Now more than ever, it is important for all Americans, especially those of us of color, to use this year’s Black History Month as a means of reflection, celebration, and a reminder that we as a people have to continue our peaceful fight for a more accepting and equal future.

Anthony Morrison is the CEO of The Londoner hair salon chain

     This past year our communities have experienced a wide range of extreme emotional highs and lows. The world has once again seen how for our community, a simple traffic stop can instantly and unjustly lead to the unnecessary loss of innocent life. We have also felt and witnessed firsthand the rise of hateful rhetoric and physical acts of discrimination throughout all levels of society. All while being disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

     I mention all this up for one reason, certainly not as a means of discouragement, but rather a means of inspiration. Because the truth is, despite all the obstacles people of color have faced throughout history, this past year, and will continue to encounter as we move forward, we have still managed to achieve incredible milestones of historic and monumental impact.

We have felt the unwavering love and support from millions of people around the globe which include all races, religions and ethnicities who took part in protests supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. We have seen the power our collective voices can have on American politics by not only electing the first person (and woman) of color to the office of the Vice President, but we have also seen the greatest number of black people elected to all levels of local, state and federal offices. As routinely demonstrated throughout history, our communities have continued to rally around and support one another throughout the economic devastation our businesses and jobs have endured as a result of the ongoing and raging pandemic. As one of only a handful of black business owners based in Los Angeles’s affluent South Bay communities, I have personally benefited by being able to keep my doors open because of all the love and support my community has shown me.

     So as you read this article today, I implore you to continue to stand strong and remain hopeful. Get involved in your community and help support those around you. And be sure to remember that though we have a ways to go, we have already overcome and accomplished so much. Our future is bright and together we will achieve a safer, more inclusive tomorrow.

     This Black History Month I am both proud and thankful for my beautiful and culturally rich ancestry and you should be too.