Covid musings from Atlanta

Hey Britlings,

Well it’s time for me to fess up, I’ve been cheating on you. For the past five weeks I’ve been a Brit in Atlanta. But don’t worry (not that you are) I am back. It’s funny during these still strange times and a year on, five weeks away seems like five days.

       It’s almost been a whole year since the world first shut down, chaos ensued and this Pandemic took over our lives.

       Zoom, Game Night In and FaceTime became the new way of communicating, and seemingly will be with us for a long time into the future too, until time travel and holograms come into play.

       So Biden says we should have enough vaccines in the US to vaccinate all by end of May – that’s quite an achievement if only everyone will take it! A recent poll states that around 70% of the population don’t want to take it. So are we headed for a zombie apocalypse or will herd immunity kick in and it will become yet another type of “flu”? Personally I encourage everyone to get it, if we can get back to hugging and kissing our parents, loved ones, grandchildren surely it’s for the better, right? Oh and sidebar is: less people will catch it and die!

       One thing I’ve noticed is a trend of people posting on social media that they’ve gotten their first vaccine jab. I’m grateful to those encouraging others but to those who revel in the bragging rights of being one of the first. I find it uncouth and distasteful –  like bragging about how much money you have, how many VIP lists you have managed to blag your way onto, or posting pix of yourself at the beach during the pandemic mask free. It’s actually colorblind and gross. Getting the vaccine is a medical issue and should be kept private. There are people out there who are still on waiting lists or in parts of the world that can’t get theirs yet. So I file this under the category of “think before you post”.

Well worth a visit….

       Anyhow…back to me in Atlanta. I was there for work and have to say this time of the year the town is very much like the UK. Grey, overcast, sleeting and miserable. We did have a few nice days but they were very few and far between. I’m a firm believer that the weather truly affects your state of mind. So I count my blessings that I’m back in the Golden State where my mood has already been enhanced tremendously.  Reminds me of the old Morcombe and Wise song “Bring Me Sunshine”…

Easy Rider: checking out the motorcycle museum…

       However on the upside of Atlanta, I can see that when the sun’s out the town comes alive and the rhythms of the city slowly awake…I did get to experience some of the local attractions thanks to my work. Like the Georgia Aquarium, a Roller Rink, and amazing dance collaboration, an air traffic control tower, a motorcycle museum and a speedway.  So even in the darkest of days we can all find something to do to brighten our spirits. Be well my friends and let’s make this world a better place…by getting vaccinated!

Craig Young